Distance Creates Clarity

Distance Creates Clarity


Distance Creates Clarity.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I wanted to have a quick message regarding distance in a business. Let me switch this camera around first, get a little more centered here. Okay. Distance is all about, well, let’s talk about clarity.

If you have a problem in your business, more than likely it has to do with you not having enough clarity about an issue.

I know that’s kind of an obvious point, but how do you create clarity?

How do you get clarity back?

Because when you started the business, you had clarity about where you were going. You had clarity up until a certain point in any given scenario.

So one of my clients today was dealing with marketing and she was looking at creating more clarity in where she should be taking her marketing because she had ideas, she had some concept of direction, but not whole lot of clarity on terms of what goes in what timeframe and how much emphasis to put in one area or another.

So how do you create that?

Well, if you’re in a situation where you need more clarity, you need distance. It’s a matter of distance and it’s not necessarily physical distance.

Although physical distance helps.

So for example, if I’m in a situation where I’m lost in something having to do with my business, I’m not quite sure how to handle it or I have too many spinning plates and I’m not sure which to focus on next. I’ve got all these things that need to get done. I don’t know what to do.

I get in my car, I find something to do out of town. I drive an hour or more.

This is just me personally. What helps me is to get in the car away from everything. I don’t have the radio turned on. If I do, I’ve got something kind of playing in the background that doesn’t take a whole lot of my thought.

It’s just kind of playing in the background and kind of stirring my thoughts around and I just kind of let everything go for a bit and back away from it.

That physical distance helps me make mental distance from everything and all of a sudden the back end, you could say it’s a subconscious mind. You could say it’s your intuition.

You could say it’s some higher source that’s feeding you energy.

I don’t know, but something starts to occur where all the pieces start going into place, but it’s because I’ve taken the physical distance is more of a more of a concept with with where I’m at right now.

It’s the mental distance that I take from the problem that allows me to see it a little bit more clearly. I walk away from it, I step away from it, I unplug from it.

I get away physically from everything that’s kind of enforcing it.

So if I’ve been around in my office for a long time, I get out of the office. If I’ve been around the household and all these concepts are still in my head, then everything around me is kind of tainted with those concepts, with those ideas.

I get away from all of them, right. Distance creates clarity.

So how do you do that if you can’t physically get away from things?

If you can’t stop thinking about something, bring someone else in, bring someone else in to get inside your head and lay everything else out on the table. So with my friend today, I was helping her and she’s a client, but also a friend and I helped her take her business from square one and take it and put it all out on the table.

Okay, where are we going?

How are we going to get there?

What’s going to be the things that are in the way and what’s it going to take?

What’s working right now?

What has been working, what could be working better, what’s necessary to be able to reach the end goal?

Like we always talk about if you have an idea of a large goal, you don’t break it down a little further and say, okay, where do we need to be by the end of the year and so forth.

And then just mapping out the steps to get there and having someone come in and pull you out of your head and out of your emotions creates distance, clarity.

Then comes up out of nowhere and all of a sudden it’s like, Oh yeah, that makes sense. It’s the most common thing I get from clients is after we go through this process, it’s a little situation I call the Worthington Method.

When I take people through that, by the end they almost always, unless they’re still stuck in it somewhere and they’re not hearing me as long as they’re able to come up out of it a little bit and create a little bit of distance, they said, Oh that makes sense.

I don’t come up with the solution. They come up with the solution, but the solution becomes obvious when you are able to have distance.

So it’s just a quick little idea.

And if you’d like to be able to help create distance and clarity in your business, go to BrianJPombo.com if you’re in the self reliance field, meaning you’ve got products or services that help people to become more self reliant, go to DreamBizChat.com the link is in the description.

If you’re listening to this on the podcast, that’s DreamBizChat.com and we are back here every day coming at you with either a large idea or a small idea, a tactical idea or a strategic idea or a principle-based idea.

We’ll be back here tomorrow with the same. Now next week I’m going to be going deep into a TV show that I’m just now finishing up tonight. You may have already seen it. It played last year.

It’s, it’s called, Undercover Billionaire. If you haven’t seen it was on the discovery channel. Go see if you could find the episodes to Undercover Billionaire and watch it.

If you watch it before next week, I think you’ll be really happy with the discussion that we have back and forth next week. And I’d love to hear any of your ideas.

If you’ve got questions about your business, about where you’re going, about things that are getting in your way, obstacles that are keeping you away from making your business everything you want it to be, leave a comment down below.

The people that run my social media will let me know as soon as they see those comments and I’ll be sure and cover them right here on the show.

And if you get ignored, just keep leaving a comment. Someone will get back to you and I love to be able to talk back and forth with you with these videos and audios so you have a great night.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Business Owners: Are You Lonely?

Business Owners: Are You Lonely?


Business owners. Are you lonely?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you from Grants Pass, Oregon at the headquarters for BrianJPombo.com and I’m going to talk a little bit about the loneliness that comes along with being a business owner.

Now being an entrepreneur, being a business owner, doing things on your own.

I was reminded of this lesson from an old black and white movie, an old British movie called The Man In The White Suit. If you haven’t seen this, track it down. Go and watch it.

It’s a great old British movie with Alec Guinness. It’s the guy who originally played Obi-Wan Kenobi. It was when he was younger and I believe it was the 1950s or early fifties (1951 actually), is when this movie came out.

It’s called The Man In The White Suit. And the concept behind it is an entrepreneurial guy who came up with a perfect form of material that never wears out and it’s completely stain resistant and everything else.

Well, what ends up happening is his own company turns against him because they don’t want to sell something that will put them out of business, where they only sell one and they never get to sell another one again.

The unions are against him because they’re going to be out of work because, because he’s come up with something that’s so fabulous, he’s got just everybody from every direction is against him. It really reminds me of a metaphor for the trials of the entrepreneur that if you’re really doing things right, you’ve got enemies coming from every corner and it’s really an interesting story. Go and watch it.

It’s a little slow, you know, it’s an older movie, so it’s a little slower. And the humor is very dry, British humor. But I find it hilarious.

I think it’s a great movie.

Also, along those same lines, there’s this loneliness that comes with everyone kind of being against you because when you’re the visionary, when you’re the visionary in your organization and you’re running things, you’re building things.

No one else can see what you can see.

I have a friend named John who says it’s kinda like a dog running after a rabbit in like high grass and nobody else can see the rabbit and the dog’s just going nuts going after this rabbit out in the field.

You can see it clearly, but most other people can’t see it.

So the people that are working with you can’t see it. Your partners can’t see it. Your wife or husband can’t see it. And so there’s this loneliness that’s natural, that’s very natural in entrepreneurship.

And how do you get around that?

Well, one thing to do is to recognize it and to realize that it’s not just you, it’s all of us and it’s something we all have in common. So you want to surround yourself with other entrepreneurial minded people, other people that are going through the same thing.

Find groups, networking groups and other things, other places you can connect with people. Also have some people on your team that understand that have experience with it.

So I highly suggest reaching out and finding a consultant or a friend or an advisor or somebody that you can work with that can help work you through these issues.

Because so much of the entrepreneurial journey is a mindset deal.

It’s all about where your head’s at and and keeping everything straight so that you can get done what you know you need to get done.

So it’s one of the things that I offer along with everything else that you can find out more about the processes and projects that I offer over at BrianJPombo.com.

If you’re in the self-reliance field, which is an area that’s very close and dear to my heart, meaning you have products and services that help people to become more self reliant and you’re gonna want to go to DreamBizChat.com.

It will take you to a specific page at BrianJPombo.com which shows you a video, kind of give you a concept that I call the Dream Business Transformation. Go and check that out.

Otherwise, we’re back here every day. You can go back and watch all the old videos or listen to the old audios and podcasts regarding everything that we’ve talked about all the way back to April of last year, I believe is where we started.

No it was May of last year we started our podcast, which we’ll be talking more about that as we go ahead. Also, the original Off The Grid Biz Podcast, which you can hear interviews with movers and shakers within the self-reliance field.

So once again, BrianJPombo.com, DreamBizChat.com and OffTheGridBiziz.com. Go and check those out. Otherwise, we’ll see you back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Embrace Your Prison

Embrace Your Prison


Keep going. Embrace your prison.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Brian J. Pombo Live. We’re here live again. You’re in Grants Pass, Oregon. Coming to you today, live from the Orange Office in central Grant’s Pass proper.

And I wanted to talk today about this book, Austin Kleon’s book, Keep Going.

I’ve reviewed Austin’s books before. This one just showed up in the mail. I’m already a chapter in. I got a couple books for Christmas, so I got it. I got a couple, Amazon cards and so bought a few books, so I’m all giddy with excitement that these are great because they’re so quick to read, Austin’s books.

I spoke before about Steal Like An Artist and Show Your Work. Two of my favorites. I’m already into this one and I love it. It’s 10 ways to stay creative in good times and bad.

It’s all about creativity.

And when I was growing up, creativity was always described for artistic people. So anybody that was creativity had to do with art or music or things of that sort. It was never meant to mean everything.

For me, creativity is everything.

Creativity is communication. It’s doing what we’re doing right here. It’s putting out content, it’s developing marketing, it’s helping people to create the life they want using business, which is what I do as a business strategist and you might notice I’m dressed a little more formal today.

I had a presentation earlier today with a bunch of my friends. Hi there. If any of you are watching, this book is good for everybody though. This book across the board, whether you’re in business or not, if you want to be more creative, if you want to keep your creative juices flowing, this is a great way of doing it.

I’m going to review. I’m going to tell you just about the first chapter that I read here. The first chapter is all about Groundhog’s Day.

If you remember that movie and he says, every day is Groundhog Day.

I’m not sure if this is showing up backwards to you. On my side, it looks like it’s right. So that’s all that matters.

Every day is Groundhog Day. And it’s a great concept because the whole idea is that routine is a constant anyway. So if you remember in the movie Groundhog Day, he has a day that’s repeating over and over and over again. And he’s the only one that realizes that he’s going through all the same motions every single day.

It’s an analogy for life.

It’s really neat how it comes about throughout that movie. If you haven’t seen in a long time, go and watch it. It’s one of the classics and one of the things he starts doing is building up a routine to be able to survive it.

He has certain things that he does every day and he knows what’s going to happen. He knows somewhat what’s going to happen. So he starts taking advantage of them and starts building up a routine for himself just so he could survive without going crazy.

In the same sense, we all kind of have to do that because we’re kind of all put into motion in our lives of having certain things that happen at certain times. That, you know, we’ve got days of the week and on certain days we have work and uncertain days we don’t have work and we’re all tossed into this world and we kind of have to have routine in some way.

Even if you’re self employed, even if you run things on your own and can kind of have your own day to yourself, you still need some type of routine just to keep things moving along.

He talks about this, it’s a little bit like having a prison that living will really, I mean, living the life we live in work, we’re stuck to certain laws of physics and everything else in a sense that there’s a prison like thing to it.

But what happens when you can design it yourself?

What happens when you decide when you’re going to exercise, what time you’re going to get up, what time you’re going to go to bed as an adult, you should have a relative amount of control over those things. And I know I can speak for myself. Growing up, I always resented having to be told what to do. What to say and meeting deadlines for school and everything. And so when I went off on my own, started doing my own thing, I bristled against deadlines, I bristled against routine and fought it every chance I got.

What I started learning is that I needed a routine.

I needed some type of routine to kind of capture things. And he says it really nicely here. He says a little imprisonment if it’s of your own making can set you free rather than restricting your freedom or routine gives you freedom by protecting you from the ups and downs of life and helping you take advantage of your limited time, energy and talent.

A routine establishes good habits that can lead to your best work.

Also the other way around, if you think about habits help you to create routine and it continues to go and go. And he also mentioned that, it gives you a chance to be able to step away from it once in awhile you can always step out of your routine and you have something to step away from.

But if you’re under control, if you take responsibility for your life and really take hold and develop your own routines, you can help maintain your creative juices in a sense, so great book.

Keep going by Austin Kleon, at least so far I’ve read the first chapter but I have no doubt the rest of it’s good too. I’ll let you know if there’s anything I disagree with it in it, but so far really great book.

Hey, if you are looking to help establish a routine, it’s the beginning of the year right now and if you’re really looking to get a jumpstart and start taking control of your business and taking control of where you’re going from here on out, leave everything behind from last year.

Then I applaud you and I recommend you do it with as much gusto as possible. If you are looking for some help in any of those areas and you think I might be of help, go to BrianJPombo.com and go and check out my options for you there.

And hopefully we can chat some time. If you are in the self-reliance field, I have a very special offer for you. It’s a free concept I call the Dream Business Transformation. You can find that at DreamBizChat.com the link is in the description, regardless of where you’re watching listening to this, it’s DreamBizChat.com though, you can just type it in, go and check it out and come back tomorrow.

We’re back here every day, probably not here in the Orange Office. We’ll probably be back at the headquarters, but in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

You, “Ryan’s Toy Review” & Product Diversity

You, “Ryan’s Toy Review” & Product Diversity


You, “Ryan’s Toy Review” and product diversity.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you live everyday today from Grants Pass, Oregon. Here at the headquarters for BrianJPombo.com and today we’re going to be talking a little bit about my friend Ryan. Ryan doesn’t have a public last name. He’s a character of an actor, a person that’s out there in the public eye via YouTube.

He started a channel called Ryan’s Toy Review and it took off a couple years ago. It really just boomed and this is after quite a few years of him putting out videos. I think he was two, three years old when he first started his parents, but having toys and having him review what he thought about these toys.

They’d buy the toys, bring him home and have him try them out. Well pretty soon it started becoming popular. Toy companies started sending their toys to have them reviewed, giving them free free copies of these toys so that he could try them out on his show.

They started making money off the advertising on YouTube. Everything else.

It grew and grew and grew until eventually…..so my son’s been a fan for quite a long time of Ryan’s toy review too. To where Ryan ends up getting his own TV show on Nickelodeon or cable network and has tons of merchandise including electric toothbrushes. Like this one here, toothpaste is Colgate.

This is a little kid on here. Okay. He’s young. He’s six, seven years old and he’s now everywhere. When it comes to kids of a certain age, you can’t get away from Ryan. And I’m not here to talk about child exploitation or anything.

After all I had my son Tyler on here last night. It’s easy to put him in front of a camera, he’s better on camera than I am.

I wanted to talk about product diversity though.

When you realize who your market is for your products and services, if you’re a business owner, you’ve got products and services out there. When you realize who the market is, it’s more important than what you’re selling.

So most of us get into business with the concept of, okay, I really like doing this one thing, or I have an idea for a product. I have idea for a service. I enjoy doing this or I have a knack for doing this.

I could probably trade money for this, and it ends up slowly becoming a business. Very few of us start with a type of person and say, okay, now that I’ve gotten to know this type of person, what can I provide to them?

Ryan and his parents and his entire organization, I think they have many employees and within this organization making in the millions of dollars.

He is one of the top people on all of YouTube and has been for awhile now.

Ryan has figured this out or his people have figured this out and that is they found the audience. The audience are children between a certain age and they’re somewhere around Ryan’s age. That audience. Once they found that, then they started producing other channels on YouTube.

Channels are the areas that you could put videos out on. So they start a family channel where their whole family is on it, adventures and doing games and doing much more than just reviewing toys. It just their travels, everything else that they do.

They started including cartoon characters and puppets and other things involved in their shows. They started getting into the merchandising, started seeing this, I think last year or sometime is when I started noticing that these merchandising through Walmart to the major brands like Colgate and started seeing endless amounts of toys, endless amounts of products, of merchandise he didn’t get in to the toothbrush business.

That isn’t what he’s involved in.

What he’s involved in is the marketing to children of a certain age.

When you realize who your market is, what you have to ask yourself is not what do I want want to make, but what do they want that I can provide for them?

What does the same person now, maybe it’s not even anywhere in your, this has nothing to do with a YouTube video. You do videos. A very simple thing to put together.

This is a product completely different from the entertainment end of things, but it’s coming from the same source and all they’ve done is they’ve said, okay, we have somebody who can capture the minds of people of a certain age, the attention of people of a certain age in a certain demographic.

What else can we get to them?

What else can we sell to the same people and that focus on the who is a huge part of what I work with when I work with clients is helping you to really find out and fine tone your who to the point that you aren’t just in the survival product business or the beehive business or whatever type of business you’re in, whatever service or product you provide.

That’s normally how you’d describe yourself, but you shouldn’t be just in that business.

You should be in the who business.

Find out who your who is. The best who that you have, because you probably have a whole bunch of who’s. You probably have a whole bunch of age groups. You probably have men, women, and otherwise all across the board, but the question is, who is your best customer?

Who do you like serving the best?

And then find out what else they’re looking for.

You can find it within your current niche. You can find it within your subject matter, but don’t hold yourself to that. Go beyond that and be more about them and who they are and the more you put yourself out there or have someone in your company out there putting themselves out, then you’re going to have more of the who going in both directions.

They’ll relate more with your who like Ryan here.

They’ll relate more with the who than the what it is that you provide and in the end they’ll connect more wherever that who shows up and whatever that who suggests that they try out. They’re willing to try out. Just a simple little concept, kind of blow your mind apart, but I want you to think big this new year, happy new year, by the way. Happy 2020 and you get out there, but in the meantime, go to DreamBizChat.com. I’m not going to let you go yet.

Go to DreamBizChat.com especially if you are in the self-reliance field, you have a business or if you have a business, if you’re a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, you’re going to want to check out DreamBizChat.com.

If you’re in any other business line, you’d like to talk with me about your business options for that and different products coming out all throughout this next year. Go to BrianJPombo.com you’re also welcome to watch other videos, listen to other podcasts that I have there, and in the meantime, we’ll be back tomorrow and get back together then and you have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

2020 Wishes!


2020 New Year’s Wishes!

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live with me is my son, my oldest son, Tyler Pombo.

Tyler: Hey guys. I was in video in the office but we just moved into my new house. So now here comes the 2020, my dad’s video.

Brian: Yup.

And Tyler is five years old. How old are you going to be next year?

Tyler: So my birthday is March 11th and I’m going to be six years old. I already lost my tooth.

Yeah, he lost his tooth this year, so he’s pretty happy about that.

Before we get started, I just wanted to remind you if you, unless you haven’t seen these videos before, to go to DreamBizChat.com.

This is specifically for business owners in the self-reliance field, meaning you’ve got products or services that help people to become more self reliant, go watch the video there. And if it’s something that you’d be interested in just to fill out the application, but it’s a free video to watch. Eight and a half minutes long.

DreamBizChat.com the link is in the description.

Tyler: So, go on YouTube and type in Brian Pombo and you will see more of my dad’s videos.

Brian: That’s right.

If you want to see more about this, I didn’t even train them on this. If you want to see more of my videos, you can find me on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, all the normal places, Instagram at wherever you’re seeing this right now. You can also find us on audio recordings over in wherever you find podcasts, iTunes and what have you. Or Apple podcasts now.

You can find the link for DreamBizChat.com in the description.

And we just wanted to wish you a happy 2020.

Tyler, what would you like to do next year? What’s the one thing, if you could do one thing next year for sure, that you haven’t done this year, what would you like to do?

Tyler: Eat cake.

Brian: Oh, you ate cake this year, what’s one thing that you’d really like to do that you’ve never gotten to do before, that you will get to do in 2020?

Tyler: Umm, go to Chuck E. Cheese and eat pizza.

Brian: You’ve gone to Chuck E. And eat pizza before, right? Okay. Well what would you like to do that you’ve never done before?

Tyler: Go to Monster Jam.

Brian: Monster jam. So with the monster trucks,

Tyler: Yes, I love them!

Brian: Go and see the monster trucks live. We’d seen them on videos, but we never got to see them live. So he really wants to see them.

Tyler: I love hot wheels, I really love hot wheels!

Brian: Yeah, he loves hot wheels and he loves monster trucks. So we’re going to go see some monster trucks if we can next year.

Tyler: Whohoo!

Brian: Yeah.

Ask yourself what you like to do in your business next year that you haven’t done up until now. Write it down, figure out what you need to do and get everybody on your team that you need on your team to help you get through that. And if that’s me or you think that we might be able to hit it off or we’ll be able to be a part of your plans, go to BrianJPombo.com you can watch other videos there.

Tyler: There are more vidoes that you can watch, and maybe one has the Amazon Catalog.

Brian: Oh yeah, he liked my video on the Amazon catalog because he was a real fan of that. That was a couple of videos ago, but you could watch more videos.

But you can also find out more about me and the services I provide over at BrianJPombo.com.

Hey, have a great year. If you’ve got little kids and you want them in bed early, have them watch one of the broadcast. Nowadays you can find all the broadcasts live on YouTube, have a watch. One of the broadcasts that’s in the future. So we’re in the Pacific time zone. We’re going to be sitting up and watching the East coast time zones broadcast of the ball dropping.

Tyler: So if you know me, come to my house and I got lots of friends and I like Marvel, I like hot wheels.

Brian: You’re still in gift mode, aren’t you?

Tyler: Yeah.

Brian: You still want gifts after after Christmas that there’s never enough. Okay, thanks folks. Hey y’all. Have a great night. Get out there….

Tyler: And have some fun.

Brian: And let and let the magic happen in 2020.

Brian: Bye,

Tyler: Bye.

One More New Years Resolution?

One More New Years Resolution


One more new year’s resolution.

I am Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We get back together everyday here today.

We’re coming to you live from Grants Pass, Oregon back in Oregon.

I still haven’t even changed out of my clothes from the long drive. Had to drive home with my wife and three screaming kids all under the age of five (actually Tyler is 5 but yeah), which is lots of fun. And now we’re back and it feels good to be back at home even though I love it. Visiting family and everything.

It’s great to be home. And today we’re going to be talking about new year’s new year’s resolution that you can add to the list of concepts that we’ve already talked about up till now.

Go back and watch the last four videos concerning new year’s resolution. But here’s one more to consider and that is developing a list of negatives, things you will not do in the coming up year.

So for this coming up year of 2020, the things you are not going to do for the year 2020. But it’s gotta be something that’s on your mind, but it should be something that you’re not going to do that you’re not moving forward with, that you’re going to put off for a year.

Now, it may be, I’m not going to be playing golf for this year and now you want to play golf, but you’ve got bigger goals that you’ve got to accomplish.

That type of idea, something that you may want to do, but that you’re going to put it off for a year.

It could be that I’m not going to hire a business strategist to come into my business.

Now I’m a business strategist. It would go against me to be able to recommend to you to, to not hire a business strategist.

But if that’s the case, if you can see that it’s not something that you should be focused on this year, then write it down, write it down, and then cut out all those things out of your eyesight.

So if you’re guaranteed that you’re not going to hire a business strategist, then you need to cut that person out.

So you cut me out of your life. Quit watching my videos, unsubscribe from my emails and my podcast and make sure that I’m out of your eyesight for at least same thing with anything that you are somewhat tempted to do, but you know is going to take you away from your main goal for the year.

So that goes back to our first resolution of having a business goal for the year.

At least one a number or a quantifiable idea that you can go after. And then what you’ve got to do is clear out the rest, get the stuff that may be just kind of nagging on you and set that aside from here on out. And it’s just a quick tip. Hopefully that’s helpful.

I’d recommend you doing that. I’d love to find out how it goes for you.

Also I have a question for you.

Do we keep the leg lamp up?

I’ve got to take down all my Christmas decorations.

I’m not sure if I want to keep the leg lamp up. Or just bring it out every Christmas time. It’s a major reward.

I don’t know. You tell me.

Hey, love hearing from you.

Always leave comments in the section below. You can always watch more of the videos over our BrianJPombo.com and if you happen to be in the self-reliance field, maybe you help people to become more self reliant with your products and services and you’re a decision maker at your company, either an owner or an executive.

I’d love to find out what you think about a video of mine that’s up for free over at DreamBizChat.com. You can find the link in the description and actually I have a paper here or you could copy this down.

DreamBizChat.com you can go on and find that and go and let me know what you think.

If you’re interested in what we call the Dream Business Transformation, you can fill out the application there, but if you have questions, let me know.

Also if you have any questions about any of the things we cover, leave a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this. Hey, you have a great night.

We’re going to see you back here tomorrow for New Year’s Eve. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Is Physical Print Dead?

Is Physical Print Dead?


Is physical print dead?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo wcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Tonight, coming to you live from Tracy, California.

I’m here hanging out at my dad’s house and I came across this, not sure if you can see that, it says Play Together.

This is an Amazon.com paper catalog.

If print is dead then what is this?

We’ll get to that in a second. Hey, if you think about this whole concept and this debate that goes on about whether print is dying or not, physical print specifically.

Then you just have to look at just this last season and….Hey Joe, I could see Joe’s watching tonight, just this last season. All the books, that some place like Amazon.com physical books, physical books that people purchase that they get delivered to their home.

So I’ve got, this is my Kindle Fire, right? Kindle Fire. I can read just about any book that’s out there nowadays. You can get one of them, you can get beamed over to this, this is hooked up online. Simple little thing. I bought this for, I believe it was on sale for 30 bucks at the time. Right now you can get the same one on Amazon, 50 bucks when it’s not on sale.

You can get just about any book out there, download it onto here. You could read it anywhere on the size, font level, everything else that you want. You can, if I get tired of reading it, I could just turn the reader on and it will audibly read it to me out loud. I can highlight, do everything I want in it. Just about every version is cheaper than the physical version that’s out there.

So why hasn’t this completely taken off?

Why isn’t everybody doing all of their reading on their phones or on their tablets, on their computers?

It’s because physical print isn’t dead.

It’s because people still appreciate having some paper in their hands. They still appreciate being able to flip through something now. Maybe that’ll change in the future. Right now it hasn’t changed that yet. Yes. Things like this make competition.

Whereas physical print didn’t have competition before, but it doesn’t change things in the sense that physical print just dies. Just rolls over. No, it just has competition now.

So let’s look at this.

This is a catalog, a toy catalog from Amazon.com. Okay. And my kid loves this. My oldest kid Tyler just loves to flip through. When I was a kid, my grandmother would give us the JC Penney’s Christmas catalog, which had all the toys in it. We’d flip to the section with the toys and she said, circle the things that you want for Christmas. That was like the greatest thing in the world. We’d sit there and we’d look into it and we look at all these toys and it’s got a lot more physical, you know, here it is, the ooze in saliva and stuff and you got kids playing with it.

I don’t know if you could see that there. Sorry. It’s reverse on my side. So it’s kinda tough to tell what you could see, what I could say.

But there’s something more dynamic about having it on paper and being able to flip back and forth easily instead of just flat on a screen. It’s still flat, but it’s flat in a different way.

It’s a strange thing, this physical phenomena, these things still work. People still like ordering through catalogs.

My dad also has a huge pile of catalogs from all these famous places that you all know that anybody can go online and order anything that way, but for some reason, here’s a completely digital company, Amazon.com they sell digital box and everything else, they do everything they can do digitally.

They’re trying to encourage people that way and they still go out and print a paper catalog and send it out to their Prime users.

I think this was for Amazon Prime users still happening.

So that goes back to you and your business. Are you sending something physical out to your customers or prospective customers?

Are you sending out physical mail, physical catalogs, something physical that they can feel in their hands?

It’s something to consider this next year when we’re talking about new year’s resolutions like we have for the last handful of of videos.

This is another thing to think about as you’re going into the new year and where you’re taking your business from here on out. Don’t get too narrow focused, broaden the horizons if you do mainly online stuff, look at doing offline stuff.

If you do mainly on offline stuff, think of doing more online stuff.

Just broaden your horizons a little bit more and I think you’ll be happy with the results if you’d like to be able to work with me and be able to see how I can help your company be able to go from where it’s at to where you want to be at a higher level.

Then go to DreamBizChat.com. Especially if you’re in the self reliance field.

Go to DreamBizChat.com the link is in the description. Go check out the video I have there.

I think you’ll be impressed with what you see. And Joe saying, I remember as kids we couldn’t wait for Christmas. Catalogs come in the mail. They absolutely right.

I mean, me and Joe are only in our early forties and we can remember that it wasn’t that long ago and it still exists. Don’t be so quick to switch things.

You should always try new things, but don’t be so quick to throw away the old things.

The old things become new again over and over and over again. It’s a constant cycle. Have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

More New Years Resolutions for You?

More New Years Resolutions for You?


More new year’s resolutions for you?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we are discussing more new year’s resolutions here, getting real close to New Year’s Eve and eventually new year’s here for the year 2020. And the last two episodes we were discussing specific resolutions that you can do, especially regarding your business.

The first one would be to design a goal for a year long for your business. Have a very specific measurable goal.

The second thing we talked about was talking about picking a new form of media to get out of your marketing in or to communicate with your customers with.

And the third one would be the type of marketing I want you to try out this year. If you haven’t yet, I want you to try content marketing now.

I have a bunch of videos on this.

You’d go to BrianJPombo.com and check out the other videos we have on this, but go and look up anything on content marketing and the basic concept of content marketing is not just about marketing to people who don’t know you yet.

It’s marketing also to the people that know you.

It’s marketing to current customers, but putting out along with your marketing instead of saying, just buy this, buy that, talk about something of value for them.

Give them a little piece of value along with the marketing.

Have a form of content, have it be somewhat entertaining and useful to people. If you do that and you do that consistently throughout this next year, you’ll be very happy with the results. I guarantee it.

It will change your perspective. If nothing else, it will change your perspective of how you communicate with your customers and with your prospective customers.

So hopefully that’s helpful for you.

That’s a third, a third resolution. Maybe we’ll come up with another one for tomorrow. Hmm. I wonder if we will… We’re back here every day. Come on back.

If you happen to be in the self-reliance field, meaning you have a business, you own a business, or you’re an executive in a self-reliance based business, go to DreamBizChat.com.

Go and check that out while it’s still available.

And let me see…..also, if you want to find out anymore about me, like I said, you’d go to BrianJPombo.com if you’d like to communicate with me or be able to find out how I might be able to help your business.

I’m a business strategist. This is what I do.

Go to BrianJPombo.com and click on the link that makes the most sense to you or just watch or listen to some of my videos and audios.

Hey, you have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Another New Years Resolution for You?

Another New Years Resolution for You?


Another new year’s resolution for you.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re coming to you live from Clovis, California. Quite a distance from Tracy, where we were last night, but this is a few hours south. This is in the Central Valley right next to Fresno.

For those of you who may know a little bit about California, and we are out here today visiting the in-laws for the holidays. So every time I’m out here, or most of the time what I’ll do is I’ll get the wifi password from my mother-in-law and I forgot to do that before she went to bed.

So because of that, we ended up with a situation where I had to get out on the road and find a good signal because for some reason in the middle of town, I couldn’t get a good signal on my phone.

So here we are, we’re in the middle of a parking lot bringing to you another thrilling addition of Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re talking about new year’s resolutions.

Yesterday, I gave you a suggestion on a great new year’s resolution to use in terms of your business. I’m not a huge fan of resolutions. They’re a little bit silly to me, especially New Year’s based ones.

But if you’re going to do it anyways, you might as well do something that’s going to be profitable for you.

So here’s a secondary one on top of setting a really clear annual goal for you and your company. Here’s a second one for you to do.

Introduce a new form of marketing into what you’re doing now.

Make sure it’s based on who you’re trying to reach. Like we always talk about the one the major things you got to think about in terms of marketing or communicating with either your current clientele or future clientele, future customers.

You’ve got to think about who they are and what they’re watching and what they’re paying attention to and what they’re reading and all the areas that media can reach them.

You’ve gotta make sure you’re reaching them on the media that matters most to them.

So if you’re trying to reach, the retired crowd, you may not find a whole lot of them on Snapchat or Instagram on the same end. You might whole lot more on Facebook. It depends.

It really depends on specifically who you’re looking for and where you need to be looking for them.

But there’s places people are everywhere. What you have to do is know who you’re going after. If you know that what you already should and you should pay closer attention to that.

But once you know who you’re going after, find out another place where you can hit them up.

If you have never used video marketing via YouTube. I’m not talking about hard stuff, I’m talking about easy stuff. I’m talking about organic marketing.

Maybe you don’t have to pay for it, pay for the production it and put it out there for free. You know, get your material out there in a new spot that you’ve never had it before. And I don’t mean just online.

If there’s a way for you to have somebody waving, assigned to bring them to your location. If you have a location based business, then do it.

Try one new thing this year. Introduce a new form at least one new form of marketing and try it out for a year or at least to the point to where you have definitive results.

Even if the results are negative, that’s one less thing you don’t have to worry about. If you find out this sign waving does not work for my business, great.

Mark it off your list and don’t go back to it. Now focus on the next thing but find out that idea quickly so it’s just one more resolution tomorrow I’ve got another one for you. I got another one.

If those two don’t work for you or if you’re looking to really spice up your year, we got another one tomorrow.

Come on back then.

If you happen to be a business owner and you’re looking for somebody to work with, with some of these long term planning ideas and business concepts and really looking to take your business from where it’s at to a real high ideal. If you have a strong concept of where you want to take your business to, then I suggest you get in touch with somebody who can help you do that.

Partner up with someone if you’d like. If you think that I might be that person, go to BrianJPombo.com go and check that out.

Watch some of my other videos.

See if you see, if you think we click, if we do, then see what you can do about getting a hold of me.

If you have, it will be in the self-reliance field though.

Meaning you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self-reliant. Then make sure and go to DreamBizChat.com there’s a video there. Watch it. Let me know what you think and it is made specifically for you.

It’s a chance for us to be able to work together at least for one session, and I offer it for free for people in the self-reliance field and if you apply and you meet all the criteria, then you can get a free session with me and be able to walk away with a Dream Business Transformation.

Go check it out. DreamBizChat.com. Also, that link is in the description tomorrow night or tomorrow, during the day sometime hopefully. Get ahold of you sooner.

Tomorrow during the day, we are going to be discussing the next new year’s resolution that you should be thinking about. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Your New Years Resolution?

Your New Years Resolution?


Your New Year’s Resolution?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today I wanted to ask you, now that we’re past Christmas a bit, what’s your new year’s resolution?

Do you have one?

Do you ever have new year’s resolutions?

I know they’re kind of silly to begin with. Well, why does one specific date mark a difference at all for how you should behave or act or think about your future. I get it, but when it comes to business, sometimes it’s good to have some mile markers in place to have an idea of where you’re at and where you’d like to be by a certain period of time.

A mark in a year is pretty good option. If there’s one resolution I could recommend if you’ve never had one or don’t know what you would have when it comes to business, it’s a simple one.

The simple thing is pick a number that you want to be at this time next year, you could say it’s revenue. You’d say it’s profits. You could say it’s number of customers.

Pick a number that’s big enough that you’d be able to look back over the past year and say, yeah, I put in some good hard work and we hit that number, we did something, we accomplished something and I could see where to go from here.

If you go and do that, you’ll be happy with the results and using the first of the year as kind of a setting point or allow you to also remember where you’re going from here and what the point is and where you started, at which point you started to the end game.

So just a quick notion, and it’s funny, it’s such a simple concept that how few actually do it. You know, how many of us actually have a number that we say, okay, by this time next year we’re going to be here.

Think about that, consider it.

Tomorrow I’m going to have another resolution for you to kind of think about. Another thing that you might want to add to your list.

But the meantime, if you are a business owner or an executive that’s the self-reliance field, I’m going to recommend you go check out DreamBizChat.com. There’s a quick little video there.

Love to get your input on it. DreamBizChat.com talks all about the Dream Business Transformation. You can find that link in the description.

You click and go directly to it.

Hey, we’ll see you tomorrow. We’re back here every day. Have a good one. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.