What Does Stress Say About Your Business?

What Does Stress Say About Your Business?


What does stress say about your business?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today’s a quick one just about the concept of stress.

This came to me while watching some people handle the stress within their own business today and also I saw a video online where a fellow was talking about how when he started to learn how to relax in business, everything got better.

So what does the stress say about you and your business?

It really says is that you’re not handling things right, and I’m not talking about stress. If you’re thinking like friction, because friction is a natural thing, you know, even a little bit of uncomfortably, that type of friction is necessary.

It’s absolute, it’s guaranteed to happen. You’re going to be uncomfortable in business and it’s a good thing.

What I’m talking about is the emotional stress is the times when you just aren’t handling things properly. And when you don’t handle things properly, you take it home with you.

If you’re lucky enough to have a home. If you have a family at home or what have you, and if you don’t have anyone at home, then you don’t have anyone to take it out on. You can never escape it and it’s mainly because you just aren’t handling things right.

It’s not about the circumstances of your business that’s pulling you down. The circumstances are easy thing to blame. It’s how you’re handling the circumstances and your difficulty in order in enabled that’s getting in the way of you growing your business comes back to that stress.

If you can’t handle the stress right, you’re not going to be able to see opportunity when it comes along.

You’re not going to be able to fix things when they need fixing. It’s all something to think about.

How do you go about handling stress properly?

How I’ve learned how to do it is just backing away from the emotional end of it. If you can back away from an emotional reaction of it and just let it ride and watch it, whatever’s bothering you, watch whatever’s tempting you to be bothered.

If you can just be a little bit separate from it and just watch it from a little bit of a distance, you’ll figure out how to get past it.

Just like you have every other time.

If you pull back far enough, you’ll realize you’ve always had these things. There’s always been something in your way.

There’s always one of these things that’s insurmountable that you can’t get. Imagine you’ll ever get past.

You will get past it one way or the other. You will get past it, but getting stressed about it is going to ruin your health.

It’s going to ruin all the relationships with the people around you and it’s going to make the whole process a whole lot more difficult. Learn how to deal with your stress and you’re going to figure out all those little details in your business that’ll make things better.

I know from experience when I learned well through time, as I’ve learned more and more and more about how to handle stress better, my business has gotten better and the whole path in front of me gets a lot more clearer and hopefully that’s helpful to you.

It’s just a simple, simple concept.

Certainly not something you haven’t heard before, but maybe a nice little reminder during this holiday season because things get kind of tight going into the holidays when everyone’s just trying to push through and get everything done at the last minute.

Something to keep in mind.

If you are a business owner or an executive and you’re in the self-reliance field, meaning you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self reliant, I’d love for you to watch a video.

Go to DreamBizChat.com.

DreamBizChat.com the link is in the description. Go and click on it. Watch the video there. I love to find out what you think about it.

If you think that you’d be interested in what I’m talking about on that video, fill out the application. We’ll see if we can get together and chat.

Love to talk with you about your business.

Hey, you guys have a great night. We’re going to be back here tomorrow night.

Have a great one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

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