How to Win Any Argument

How to Win Any Argument

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Brian gives us some thoughts on how to handle arguments while doing a book review on Dale Carnegie’s classic, How To Win Friends and Influence People.

What Does Standing Out Mean To You?

What Does Standing Out Mean To You?

What does standing out mean to you?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Grants Pass Oregon for another Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re going to be talking a little bit about standing out and what exactly does that mean?

Is it something that you consider positive for your business?

Would you like to stand out or would you like to stand out in comparison to your competitors?

The answer, I’d love to hear from you. Please leave a comment.

This is a sincere question of whether standing out is a positive or a negative. In your standpoint, are you more interested in just being quiet and doing your own thing and having your customers and that’s it. Or are you really looking to stand out in the marketplace or you’re looking to get out there and really be seen differently, seen as different than just a commodity?

It’s an actual question. I’m not trying to be facetious.

As we go along because this is a concept that was brought to me by my podcast and video producer, Sean E. Douglas. We were discussing this earlier today and he was remarking that, the book that I’m currently writing….I’m going to be publishing pretty soon here.

And a lot of the topics that I deal with have to do with differentiation and standing out and being above the crowd and really making yourself and your business bigger in the eyes of your potential customers.

So I figured as we were discussing it to find out what you think to see if that is something that you would find appealing.

Is that something that you’re looking to do?

Would you like to find out more about how to go about standing out?

That’s the real question.

In as an example of that, I have a website called It’s really more of a redirect that goes back to but go and check out There’s a video there, I plan to be keeping it up, but it’s available for now. you can find the link in the description.

So standing out, USP is another concept that gets thrown out there.

When you’re doing any type of studying of marketing, they talk about USP and most often it’s referred to as a unique selling proposition. Sometimes they call it a unique sales proposition. Sometimes there’s other acronyms that the Hughes to mean the same thing.

And the whole idea is how do you stand out in uniqueness product, your service?

How do you make it appear to be unique in comparison to all the other options available to the consumers out there?

So standing out, good, bad. What are your thoughts?

Leave me a comment.

I love to be able to go back and forth about these things and be able to bring it up on another talk. So you have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Top 11 Signs of A Winner : #2 Willing to Stand Out

Top 11 Signs of A Winner : #2 Willing to Stand Out
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Brian’s Top 11 Signs of A Winner

2 – Having Someone Willing to Stand Out For Your Business
  • As Brian shares from his personal life, it takes risk to standout
  • While it’s not for everyone….
  • It’s important to have someone be the celebrity for spokesperson for your business
  • First you need to have the willingness to standout
  • Then you need to figure out how to do it, what makes sense for your company, your audience, etc

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