Where Should I Put Out Content?

Where Should I Put Out Content?

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

So where should you do a video or any type of content?

Hi, this is Brian Pombo with BrianJPombo.com, today coming to you live from Bandon, Oregon. See if you can see some of this behind me. We’re over on the port side near downtown. You can hear the seagulls.

This is a great example of the fact that you can do content from anywhere.

And if you’re doing live video, you can definitely do content from anywhere, checkout the lighthouse. That’s the Coquille River Lighthouse out there, gorgeous area, lots of fun hanging out with family. Hey Joe, how’s it going?

I’m out in Bandon, Oregon. We’re probably about three hours from where I live in Grant’s Pass, where we normally broadcast from. But this is just to show you if you’re doing any type of content marketing, most of the time you’re going to be doing recorded stuff.

You’re going to be writing emails. You could be doing it from anywhere. One of my heroes in the field of email marketing is Ben Settle. He used to live right here in Bandon, Oregon and he got to choose where he wanted to live and he could write his emails from anywhere.

Look at this. This is not high quality video work here or anything. I’m just trying to show you, even if you’re doing live videos, you could be doing them from wherever you’re at and if you’re doing them daily, you kind of have to do them from wherever you’re at.

So get out there, find some interesting places to go. If you’re doing them recorded, you could do them like my friend Adam The Woo and you can actually make them pretty interesting depending on where you find yourself going.

Don’t worry about the place. The place can all be part of your story. It can all be part of what you’re doing and you can add it into your message.

So today’s message is the same message we’ve been talking about. If you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, go to DreamBizChat.com.

Go and check out the video I have there where I talk about chance to be able to talk to me about the taking your business from where it’s at to make it an absolute dream business. I’m a business strategist. That’s my job. So yeah, we’re doing them daily.

Yeah. Joe says, do them daily and get more comfortable in front of the camera and talking to other people, eccetera.

Absolutely. I mean, we’ve been doing this over two months now, almost three, and just getting more and more comfortable in front of the camera. Feeling a little bit more at ease of being able to do something from the road like this.

It’s all fun. It’s all part of the fun. Get out there and try something new. It’s all about content marketing. Just getting yourself out there, getting your message out there and doing it consistently over and over and over and over and over again.

One of the big pushers of that is Grant Cardone. Go and look at how Grant Cardone for the past, I don’t know how long he’s been online, but since 2007 at least. He has YouTube videos going all the way back to then.

Grant Cardone is a big pusher of just get out there, get more quantity. Quality will come along as you go along, but it’s never going to be perfect.

You know, right now I’m getting ready to change my shirt. I probably should’ve changed it before I did my video. My baby just spit up all over me. I have a burn on my face from when I ate something that was too hot right here on my lip. And you know, it’s never perfect. It just, it is what it is.

We’ll catch you guys tomorrow. Tomorrow we’re going to still be talking about content marketing from a little bit of a different angle and probably be back in the office. So we’ll see you then have a great one.

Should We Put Out Content?

Should We Put Out Content?

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

You may be asking yourself, should we put out content?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo with BrianJPombo.com coming to you from the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon.

I’m speaking out there to people who are looking to get their message out there, especially into the online universe.

We’ve been talking about content marketing and the question comes up is should we as a company you were whoever you are, should you be putting out content? And that’s a good question to ask.

The reason why you should be putting out content will help determine what content you put out.

Yesterday we talked about what type of content you may look at putting out. But it all goes back to the questions. Like I mentioned yesterday, it’s questions versus answers and a lot of times we get bogged down, especially if you’re a business owner or you’re an executive in a business and you’re in charge of kind of running things.

You get bogged down in trying to get the right answer to things and trying to hit it out of the ballpark right off the bat. Trying to just do it right, get the right answer and what you really should be focused on instead of trying to find the right answer. Trying to find the right questions to ask.

The best way I’ve found of finding the right questions is finding someone that knows more about what you’re looking to venture off into better than you.

So whoever that is and however you need to get them, whether you need to pay them, whether you need to bribe them, whether you need to bring them in or take them out to dinner and pick their brain or what have you.

You’ve got to find someone that knows more about what you’re working on than you or anyone at the company does. In terms of content marketing, get someone that has experience with content marketing, who understands the reasons why behind content marketing.

Before you put it in a whole bunch of time or a bunch of effort or at or like really put yourself into it and focus hard, especially if you’re looking at doing daily stuff on a regular basis.

Like we were talking about, whether it be doing daily videos or daily emails or anything of that sort or blog posts. Companies don’t ask themselves often enough, why are we doing this?

What doesn’t need to be just one reason why you need multiple reasons. Which is why I always recommend having a call to action having something in each piece of content.

It’s something I didn’t even do yesterday, but most of the pieces that you see me put out there, whether it be audio podcasts, daily videos like this, you’re going to see a call to action. You’re going to see me at least one thing that I’m going to recommend that you do, so here it is right here.

If you’re a business owner or an investor and you’re in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products or services that help people to become more self-reliant, go to DreamBizChat.com.

This is a page I had set up specifically for you. There’s a quick little video to watch there. It’s about eight minutes long. Go Watch that video. Learn more about what I offer.

At DreamBizChat.com and what I offer for free is a a conversation with me to help you to develop a game plan to take your business from being successful, being great from where it is and make it an absolute dream business. To hit all the points that it’s currently not hitting for you. How do you go about doing that? So go to DreamBizChat.com if you fit those qualifications, you could fill out an application.

We’ll find out if you fully qualify, see if we can sit down and talk. That’s a call to action. What I did just there, I’m just giving a person a chance to do something specific.

I’m not just blabbing and talking about nothing. I’m giving something specific. So the question you have to have for yourself is before you go out and do content marketing, what is our big term goal for this? Where are we actually taking this?

What form of marketing is going to hit our ideal client? What call to actions are we going to bring up for them to do every time that we put out a piece of content? Do we have something that we can offer them to do right away?

These are all the questions you need to be asking and if you don’t know the right questions, get in touch with someone who does.

If you’re in this field, go to DreamBizChat.com you could talk to me. My specialty is coming up with the right questions. I don’t have all the answers. You have the answers. You don’t know you have the answers because you don’t necessarily have the right questions.

Find out what the right questions are to ask and that will lead you in the right direction. Help you to build an absolute dream business.

Tomorrow we’ll be talking more about content marketing. We’ll see you then. Have a great night and get out there and let the magic happen.

What Type of Content Should I Make?

What Type of Content Should I Make?

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

When it comes to content marketing, what type of content should you be making?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon for today’s Brian J. Pombo Live. And today we’re talking about content marketing again.

What kind of content should I make?

This is a common question that I hear from people. I like to break it up into three different areas of surprise, surprise. I love breaking things into threes. It’s just easier for my mind to wrap itself around.

First area would be text, second area audio, third area video. Pick one of those.

Text what I mean by text is just any type of writing, so a blog, any type of writing whatsoever. If you think better by just typing something out or writing something out, if that’s your easiest way to communicate, then go with the text area.

If audio is going to be easy for you, if it’s just easier to just record audio on your phone or a digital recorder, do it that way. If it’s easier to do video to just pull out your phone and just do a quick video like I’m doing right now, then do it that way.

So it all comes back to what’s easiest for you and it’s not just about what’s easiest for you, but what’s easiest to do on a regular basis.

We were talking before about doing daily videos like I’m doing here, doing a daily video. You may be listening to this over a podcast, so that’s the re-purposing of my daily videos.

These daily videos start out over on Facebook. They get spread out to YouTube, Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter and so on and so forth. A YouTube especially gets populated out there.

Then we take the audio, send it out via podcast that reaches also via my BrianJPombo.com slash media you can view all the previous, they’ll relisten to all the previous episodes.

It doesn’t really matter which one you pick because any one of those that you pick, text, audio or video can be repurposed afterwards.

Whether you have someone else read your text or someone else do it on video or have they have robots that are getting pretty good at reading text and sounding pretty natural. Uh, you know, if you have Siri on your phone or any other type of reader on your phone, if you have an Amazon Kindle, it can read a book for you. And the voices are actually getting pretty good.

You can have that transferred over to video. You can have the words actually show up on the screen.

There’s a whole bunch of options available. Just start, pick something that you can do daily or at least regularly, maybe even weekly, but start doing something so that you get your voice out there.

You get your ideas out there, you put things out there so that you can bring eventually business back.

Or if you’re doing any form of promotion whatsoever. I work with business people, but it doesn’t matter what you’re looking to promote. You’re looking to promote a cause, you’re looking to promote your music. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to make any money off of it or not.

If you’re looking to get an idea out there, the most important thing is content marketing and doing it online is easy. It’s simple. It’s something you can do, especially nowadays with a Smart Phone. You can do it from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.

You just need to get it out there and it’s gotta be regular. And as you do it, you’ll get better and better and better at it.

Great example of this, Russell Brunson, I’m not sure if you’ve heard of Russell Brunson. You can go look him up. The guy’s the CEO of and the founder of Click Funnels, which software allows you to build websites and so forth.

Russell started out years ago with a podcast called marketing in my car. I think you could still go here those. If you go to wherever you listen to podcasts, you can go and see if you could find those.

He changed the name of the podcast to Marketing Secrets eventually, but it started out as Marketing In Your Car and all it was was him driving back and forth from work and recording his thoughts of that moment, talking about marketing because that’s kind of his forte.

It’s a great example of a very simple concept, an easy way for him to be able to put out content. Following that he ended up doing video.

He ended up doing a whole bunch of other things and hired video crews and everything else, but started out with nothing more than audio in his car. Wasn’t great quality.

It was just enough for people to get to know him, for him to get his ideas out there, to start formulating them. All the other reasons why I say you should do content marketing, so watch some of those other videos that I talk about content marketing all this week, we’ve pretty much been covering that.

Let’s see what else.

Transcribing, you can transcribe. So I talked about going from text to audio and video. You’re gonna also, obviously go from audio and video over to text, depending on where you’re watching this.

If you go to BrianJPombo.com from a certain point onward, I’ve started transcribing or having my content transcribed. It’s simple to do. It’s actually getting easier and easier and easier with time.

There’s one called Temi. This is an app and a website. T E M I, Temi. If you go there currently, they’re offering transcribing services for 10 cents a minute of audio, so per minute of audio, it’s only cost 10 cents to transcribe.

It’s a really great deal. It uses a artificial intelligence to do it pretty quickly and give you pretty decent transcription. You can go through and fix all the details.

You can add that text to a video if you’re doing video or if you’re just doing audio, you can have some text to be able to put along with the audio wherever you post it.

Even if you’re putting down in podcast. Having the text out there allows people to find it easier through search engines and other things. These are all different ways that people like to consume media.

Start with something that’s simple for you, something that’s easy for you to do regularly. That’s what you should pick.

Tomorrow we’re going to talk about, let’s see, another end of content marketing, and I completely forgot what it was. Usually write these things down. It’s going to be, oh, you know what? I know exactly what it is. And it’s not directly related with content marketing, but it will tie back into it. And that is what is more important in your business.

Having the right answers to everything or having the right questions. That’s kind of a silly question, isn’t it? It might twist your mind around a little bit. Don’t think too hard. We’re going to talk about that tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Quality vs. Quantity – Content Marketing

Quality vs. Quantity: Content Marketing

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Quality versus quantity in regards to content marketing.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo with BrianJPombo.com and we’re continuing our series of talks on content marketing.

Whether you’re doing daily videos, live videos via social media, on Facebook, Linkedin, YouTube. Whether you are doing podcasting, any type of audio marketing, any type of a recorded content that you’re sending out there of any sort. Or blogs, any type of pay per click content.

What is better, what should you be paying more attention to, quality or quantity?

Should you be super concerned with how valuable is or should you be focused on how much of it you put out there? It’s a little bit of a trick question, isn’t it?

You need both. You need quality and quantity.

The reason why I bring this up is because Frank Kern, a marketing and advertising specialist, was out there and he had mentioned this just recently and I wanted to kind of give my take on it and it ties in beautifully with the other pieces of content marketing that we’ve been talking about.

A few videos ago, we were talking about a binge-watching and that ties into this. Also the fact that if you have a lot of quantity out there, you give the opportunity for people that just may have just ran across you.

They find you a little bit interesting. You give them more to be able to access. More to be able to learn more about you, to get to know, like, and trust you.

That’s where the quantity is very valuable, but you have to have valuable content to begin with. So the arguments really about quality and you don’t need anything all that fancy.

I’m here in an office that I already use, I don’t rent it out just for this. We’ve got this office we already use. I run a few businesses out of here and it’s a big room.

I don’t know if you can tell from the sound. The sound is very echoey in here. If I had my way, I’d be in a smaller office. It would have better sound. I’m not using the direct sound. I’m using my iPhone eight.

I’m not using the direct sound off of it. I’ve got a little lapel mic here that I’ve got linked up and going in through via a adapter. This is a lapel mic that’s made for a cell phone video. It goes through an adapter into the iPhone eight. If you know anything about those things, you’ve got to have an adapter. It if you’re dealing with anything regular. So I’ve got that.

I’ve got a little tripod and I had to go out and get a little adapter to be able to hold my phone because I’ve got a case on my phone and the normal adapter doesn’t work, but I got that.

I got it. It holds my phone, didn’t cost that much, this isn’t a big, expensive, outrageous thing. I ended a couple of lights, that I got extremely inexpensively Chinese made lights off of Amazon.com. And that’s it.

And I kind of unfold these things every day. If we’re going to have a talk together from inside the office. Sometimes I do it from outside the office. Sometimes you’ll see some of my older videos did from my car. Sometimes I’ll do it from the park if I’m out with the family and that’s it.

It doesn’t have to be fancy.

The aesthetics doesn’t have to be high quality. It doesn’t have to be high end. It doesn’t have to be magical. It’s good to have things at a good angle so that you’re not horrific. I’ve had to talk with some friends who get kind of a horrific angle, probably too close or too far away or it looks funny and not good enough lighting.

You got to have relatively decent lighting. You gotta be careful with that. You don’t want it too bright and you don’t want it too dark. You don’t want to be off-putting, but at the same sense, it doesn’t have to be magical.

It’s just simple, good enough is good enough when it comes to quality. Where quality matters is the value that you’re providing. Hopefully I’m providing a value to you and you’ve already found use out of what we’ve talked about. And hopefully in the future you’ll be able to find use out of what I’m talking about and you can go back and watch all the other videos and get something out of that.

I cover kind of a wide range, try and stick to my three main pillars of what I like to talk about. Everything has to be system based, relationship reliant and reality grounded.

So those are the three main areas that I focus in and we cover all forms of business and whatever you’re talking about, if you’re trying to reach your ideal customer, you got to find out, okay, what am I going to stick to, what are the topics I’m going to stick to?

And you just, you’ll notice if you watch me enough, I repeat myself a lot. I go back to the same principles a lot. I cover a wide territory, but it’s all under those three main areas. I recommend doing the same thing for you if you’re putting content out there and always, always, always have a call to action.

Here’s my call to action. It’s called DreamBizChat.com. Perhaps you’ve heard of it. If this is your first time you’ve seen my videos, you haven’t.

So let me tell you what it is. DreamBizChat.com is a place where I send people who are business owners and executives of self-reliance based companies.

So meaning that you work in or for a company that offers products and services that help people to become more self reliant. Maybe it teaches them a new skill. Maybe it provides products to help them out with a new skill, ways that they can make more money, ways that they can provide more for themselves and for others.

That’s just some of the ideas that might apply to you. And if that’s the case, go to DreamBizChat.com. Watch the video. It’s a quick little video. It gives you an idea of what I have available in terms of a free chat with me regarding the creation of a dream business for you.

So that’s all it is.

It’s a call to action, have a simple call to action that you can direct people to. Give a little bit of information, provide a little bit of goodwill as they say. And that’s all that’s really necessary for content marketing.

I like to make it short. It’s available on more places if it’s shorter. If it’s under 10 minutes, it allows me to get on to Instagram and Linkedin easily.

At least nowadays that’s where some of the limitations are at. I like doing it live via Facebook because that allows me to reach a few more people and I’m also on Youtube and through many podcasts and probably a couple other places by the time you’re watching this.

So you can always find more of this at BrianJPombo.com. Tomorrow we’re going to be talking still about content marketing, but another angle on it. So come back tomorrow and we’ll see you then.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Why Daily Content?

Why Daily Content?

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

So why should you make daily content?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon.

If there was ever a day that I did not feel like getting on video and talking with you all, today’s the day. I don’t want you to feel guilty about that or anything. The main reason was I just had a long day. I’m tired. I was playing with kids all day and it was just one of these things by the end of the day, and it’s a day I’m not normally in the office, it’s a family day. Wednesdays tend to be for me.

I’m just at a point where I’m done for the day and my mind is shutting down. My Body is shutting down. And so this topic that we’re going to talk about ties in directly because they were very few times.

There’s actually very few times I don’t feel like talking with you because I really enjoy the stuff we’re talking about. This is some of the most exciting things that I’m doing during the day is the few minutes that we get to spend together.

But today is one of those days where it’s like, okay, why? Why are we doing this? Why are we talking with people every day doing this?

It’s a great reminder for myself and maybe this will be new to you.

If you aren’t creating daily content of some sort and putting it out there on a daily basis, and I mean every day if possible. Now you could say, Saturdays and Sundays I don’t do it. That’s fine. But in general, if there’s any way you can make it seven days a week, do it, make it seven days a week. That doesn’t mean it has to be live. See, the one thing I’ve gotten myself into is doing it live every single day.

That could be a little bit difficult for most people. I get it.

Or anybody that you would have at your company that would be doing something of this sort for them to do it every single day live is a little difficult.

But let’s say you are putting out an email every day to your list, to a particular email list that you have. If you were to do that, you could set that up weeks if not months ahead of time, depending on the topics that you’re covering.

Even if you were doing videos, you could record them a lot further ahead of time and not have to worry about doing it. If you’re not doing it live like me. We’ll talk another time about why I do it live, but that’s another story. But just putting something out daily for people to consume, at least once a day.

Having something going out there for you, your company, your organization, whatever your attempting to promote having that is huge.

I’m going to cover four main reasons.

There’s a lot of other reasons why you would want to do something like this. I just came up with four that I thought were some of the most important, and I’ll tell you what they are just straight off the bat and I call it Duplicate, Transform, Repurpose and Multiply.

I’m going to go through those real quick for you.

First Duplicate, the whole idea is to have something that is ongoing. So for you personally, to have something that you can build a habit out of. The fact that I’m duplicating, the fact that I’m doing it day after day after day. We’ve done it over two months now. We’ve got over 60 episodes.

I’m not quite sure what we’re on now, but 60 straight days in a row plus that we’re at, I think we’re closer to 70. That habit becomes automatic. Where I don’t have to fight it every day to come in here and do it. It’s an automatic thing. I know it has to be done. My wife knows it has to be done. My associates know it has to be done.

So I just get out and I make sure it happens. And every once in awhile I’ll have a day where I may not feel like it has to happen, but the habit propels me forward to actually get it done. It makes sense. It actually happens. That’s duplication. It’s all about keeping it duplicate, having a goal over and over again. That’s a personal reason why to do it. And if you would relate to something like that, I suggest you do the same thing.

Number two is Transform.

You have the chance to transform some of your ideas that you may have never put into words before. In a previous talk that we had, I talked about the self milking cow. Go back and watch that. You can just type in “self milking cow Brian Pombo”, into Google. I bet it’ll pop up for you because it’s a concept that not many people are talking about right now. Came from Dean Jackson.

The self milking cow is the idea that most entrepreneurs, most of the visionaries in the company have a difficult time, really stabilizing their concepts, stabilizing their ideas until they can get it out, until they can talk it out.

They need to have someone there to help milk them because it’s difficult to milk themselves, in a sense. It’s a strange analogy but for some reason it works. So daily content helps produce that, especially when you’re doing it live, like I do.

Number three Repurpose.

Being able to take the content afterwards and repurpose it. I’m in the process of building books right now. I’m in the process of building other content based off of these dailies, which is an interesting concept.

Number four is Multiply.

This is more from the aspect of people that are on your end of the screen. The fact that I’m doing it daily makes it where there is more and more and more and more out there for people to watch.

That plays into the binge-watching that we talked about yesterday. Go back and watch that if you need a review, but how the binge-watching culture comes back into it.

Having content out there is important, especially content that never goes away. Whether it be audio, video, text, a text in the sense of being either emails or blogs or both.

So having all of that out there makes a huge difference and having a daily habit, daily content, that’s guaranteed, that’s something people can rely on is a huge, huge piece of that.

We’re going to talk about that more tomorrow as what matters most about daily content. Is it the quality or the quantity? Does it matter? Are they completely tied together or is there specifics about that? We’re going to talk about that tomorrow.

In the meantime, if you enjoy these talks we have, if you relate with any of these things that I’m talking about and you happen to be a business owner or an executive that’s in a self-reliance based business, meaning you sell products or services to people to help them become more self reliant in any way. Then you’re someone I’d like to talk to.

Go to DreamBizChat.com at DreamBizChat.com you can fill out an application to talk to me. There’s a quick little video there you can watch. Go and check that out.

Tomorrow like I said, we’re going to be talking about quality versus quantity when it comes to your content marketing, and we’ll talk to you tomorrow about that.

So in the meantime, get out there, let some magic happen. Bye.