Don’t Reveal Your Magic

Don't Reveal Your Magic

Don’t reveal your magic. Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back. Today I’m in Omaha, Nebraska. The final day of my Omaha, Nebraska trip I’ll be heading home tomorrow.

Today we’re going to be talking about revealing the magic or specifically why you shouldn’t reveal the magic. And if you happen to be a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance field, I’d like you to go check out You can watch a eight and a half minute video where I described the dream business transformation. The basic idea behind it is sitting down on the phone or over a zoom call with me, where we discuss where you’d like to take your business in the next year, five years, 10 years, and how we can map out how to create your dream business.

So go to If that sounds interesting to you, that uh, the link is in the description.

So let’s talk about revealing the magic.

If you have a product that you’re trying to get out there, a service that you’re trying to get out there, the instinct of most people that are doing any form of sales or marketing is to talk about all the things that you love best about your product and service and discuss all of the how to is how it works and how this happens and how that happens.

Before we were talking about how a lot of people recommend that you discuss the what, not the how. So what it is, but not how it works. There’s a good reason behind that. And me go into some depth on this because if you are out there trying to sell a product, let’s say and you’re talking about the features, but you’re not talking about the benefits, you’re not talking about what it means to the person, then it really doesn’t mean anything.

It’s a bunch of jargon that you’re relating back to them. But it’s not necessarily going anywhere. It’s not hitting home. It’s not making the person stop and actually think about how does it affect me, especially when they’re just scrolling by when they’re just wherever you’re doing your advertising, wherever you’re doing your sales.

I was at a an event this week where I got to see a whole lot of vendors trying to sell their software programs and everything else that they have and their main, almost all of them, I would say 95 to 98% of them. Their main focus was in talking about all the great things that their software can do and they’re missing the point and if you really sit and listen to one long enough, they’ll get into the dirt of how it works and how we do this instead of that.

That’s what makes it great. I want you to think about all the magicians you’ve ever seen. Practice magic. Every once in awhile you’ll find one of them that’s out there showing you how, how the trick worked. And maybe you’ll remember once in a while because you want to try the trick on somebody but you don’t remember because the explanation of how it worked was this huge, intriguing thing.

Most of the time it’s pretty simple. Most of the time some of the most elaborate magic tricks have a real simple meaning behind them. The reason why magicians are so popular and the people that give away magic tricks aren’t as popular is because people like the story. They like the magic. They like everything that’s on the outside. They want to be amazed.

They don’t need to know how it works. So you go to a mechanic, most people go to a mechanic, don’t necessarily need to know what he did.

They just need to know that their car got fixed, right? So don’t worry so much about telling people every single detail about what it is that you do and how you do it a little bit. Maybe if it adds to the story, don’t reveal the magic.

The magic is what people love all businesses based on the concept of magic in a sense, someone knows something that you don’t know and they’re able to do something that you can’t do, and that’s some of the best things possible.

Don’t, don’t get into the details as to how it works. Tell them about the benefits. Tell them about how they’re going to feel after they’ve gone through the process with you after they’ve used your product and so forth.

Don’t reveal the magic, but get out there and put on some magic. Put on a show, tell a good story, and you’ll get really better results than you’ve ever seen before. And that doesn’t matter if you’re having an Ecommerce store. It doesn’t matter if you sell door to door, it doesn’t matter. It’s the same thing. No matter what.

People want to be fascinated and moved along with a story. They don’t need to know how the sausage is made.

They just want to taste it. So hopefully that made sense to you. Tomorrow we’ll be back in the wilds of Oregon and I’ll have another thrilling tale for you then until that next time, just get out there and let the magic happen.