How to Combat COPPA

How to Combat COPPA

Link To Video Mentioned In Today’s Live

How to combat COPPA.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today coming to you live from Tracy, California. That’s right, we’re driving.

We’ve driven all the way down South to Tracy, California to visit my family for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Had to come down a little bit earlier than usual. I was talking about last night and what we ended up doing is we’re camped out with my family right now, but I wanted to come to you and talk to you a little bit about YouTube and I’ll bounce something that’s happening over there and how it relates back to your business, whether you’re on YouTube or not.

Let me just lay down the scenario if you aren’t aware, there’s this thing called COPPA, which is the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.

I believe that’s what it is. This is an older act. It’s been around for awhile, but the FTC, I believe are the ones that are changing how they enforce a lot of these things and they’re enforcing with a lot of new fines and so forth.

YouTube is trying to get ahead of the game and kind of take control of this before they get to the point to where they’re being fined heavily or held responsible for the content on their platform.

So what they’re doing is they’re asking every video creator out there, anybody that’s putting out any forms of videos on YouTube to be able to label their stuff of whether it is made for children or not for children.

The stuff that is made for children is going to need to make sure it covers everything that is a available on COPPA.

This is of course within the United States.

So if you’re outside of the United States, I’m not sure how YouTube is treating you, but within the United States, this is for sure something that they are paying attention to and they are holding everybody responsible.

Now, if you get a chance, if you’re interested in this type of thing, go ahead and watch the video that I’ve linked here, the YouTube length that’s in the description, and it’ll give you a concept of what some of the chaos that is compounding out there.

People are very worried because what happens when you have content that isn’t specifically made for children, but at the same time, children can watch it. That’s to say, there’s nothing wrong with children watching it.

Are you still under the same rules?

It’s very vague thing and everything.

So it’s caused all this chaos and people worried about losing their YouTube channels forever or losing the income because a lot of this stuff is tied to income and how much money that you can make and what the ads are that come forth in front of children.

It’s this big tangled mess. I don’t know all the details. I’ve heard enough to know that it’s a huge mess.

Who are the people that are most hurt?

And the video that is linked below is to a YouTube channel called Fresh Baked. They were originally called Fresh Baked Disney.

The whole concept, this guy started by just taking a camera around Disneyland and filming his trips there and filming his ride alongs and everything else. Built this huge following and it’s mainly been through YouTube.

Most of his stuff comes through YouTube.

His income comes through YouTube and he has this huge following all controlled on the YouTube platform.

Here’s the problem that you’ve got to watch for and it has nothing to do with COPPA, although COPPA is a symptom of the problem.

The problem is when you are too dependent on any one platform.

Whether that be YouTube, Facebook, any of the social medias, even if you’re dependent on a specific platform just for your website and that’s the only way that you’re getting new people if you’re dependent on Google.

So that’s just the online side of things.

If you’re dependent offline on the Yellow Pages, for example, is one of those things that’s been dying off pretty quickly over the last 10, 15 years here.

And a lot of these companies that were completely dependent on their Yellow Page ad. They did no other advertising, are now having to find other ways of being able to get connections with people on a local basis.

So it doesn’t matter who you are….


You need media independence.

It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be on all those sources.

It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have a YouTube channel. You should.

The problem is you should not be dependent on it.

You shouldn’t be dependent on it for a majority of your money, you have to spread it out.

Whenever you become dependent in any one place, you need to step back and say, okay, how can I diversify where I’m reaching people, how I’m marketing to people?

That’s just a quick tip.

That’s how you beat COPPA.

If you want to beat COPPA, get away from YouTube.

Don’t take yourself off of YouTube.

But make yourself independent from YouTube.

Make it to where you could be found in other places.

Make it to where you could be found in other formats.

It’s easier said than done, but if you realize this early on, then you won’t get caught with some government intrusion or some corporate take over.

That completely changes a platform that you’ve been dependent on up til now.

Hopefully you found this interesting.

Hopefully you found it useful. Hey, go check out,

And if you’re in the self-reliance field, which are the people that I’m, I’m really working on helping right now, but having some great conversations with them over on my podcast at

It’s the Off The Grid Biz Podcast.

You can also find that wherever podcasts are found.

And if you are a business owner or an executive in the self reliance field, go to is all about the dream business transformation.

There’s a quick video there.

Go and watch it and tell me what you think.

Leave a comment or fill out the application over on that page.

Hey, that’s all I got for tonight.

Hope you have a great night, a wonderful Thanksgiving.

We’ll be catching you in the in the future days, day-after-day. I keep coming back, so we’ll see you tomorrow.

Have a great day. Get out there and let the magic happen.

They All Go Lame – Dan Kennedy

They All Go Lame - Dan Kennedy

They All Go Lame.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I’m bringing up a quote from Dan Kennedy, a famous marketing guru, who said, “they all go lame.”

Now, what’s that mean?

Well, this is in reference to the YouTube news that just came out.

If you’re using YouTube at all, chances are you got an email that came from them discussing changes in the user agreement between YouTube.

What they basically came out and said is that they have the ability to now get rid of you as long as they don’t find you commercially viable.

Now everyone’s asking, what’s this all mean?

Chances are, they’re not going to do anything with this yet, but they’re putting it in place so that they can knock somebody out who they, who isn’t getting enough views. In the long run, you gotta face it, YouTube is probably not going to be free.

This is a lesson that you could take way beyond YouTube and take across and actually beyond social media.

If you’ve got a really good deal with a third party, if you’re working with a third party in your business, chances are that good deal may not last forever. Chances are it’s going to go lame eventually.

Now, Dan Kennedy was referring mainly to people in the idea of whether you have employees, whether you have partners, whether you hire somebody to run your business for you or whatever.

Never think that you’re going to be able to depend on them forever.

It just won’t happen.

They all go lame.

It’s a term from his horse racing and the idea that that eventually horses run out. Eventually they’re done and they gotta be let go.

It’s the same thing with people and it’s the same thing with companies, because companies are based on people.

Eventually they’re going to let you down. They’re not going to perform like they once performed.

It’s just a fact of life that we all have to get through is that we’re all changing.

We’re all going to be different 10, 20 years from now.

If we’re lucky enough to still be alive, everything doesn’t necessarily get better. It just changes. It’s always different.

So you can’t depend on any one source for ever.

You can’t always depend on it.

Another example, I’m working with a, we were working with another company in my night time business where I also run a Brian J. Pombo & Associates and we were working with a supplier and it got to a point where the supplier got bought out because it wasn’t being well-run.

The supplier was bringing up that was coming into the relationship, they were doing business a whole lot differently from the original supplier. So we had to eventually go and look for another one.

It’s just one of those things, a lot of people got disappointed. A lot of people got blown out and said, Oh my gosh, how can I not deal with the same situation?

Why can’t we just have something don’t last forever?

They all go lame.

It’s just a matter of time. If you have that perspective than if somebody lasts, if a company lasts for you, if a good situation lasts for a good period of time, great, you’re ahead of the game.

That’s fabulous, but you always have to expect it to all fall apart. You always have to expect people to let you down. Not that you don’t expect the best from people, but you have to give them the ability to be human and companies are run by humans and eventually they’ll let you down.

If your get doing all your advertising through one medium like YouTube, you have to be ready to switch it up at some point.

You have to be willing to enter into your mind.

Another way of advertising, you have to have enough avenues available.

You’ve got to have your fishing pole and enough parts of the lake in order to really be secure in order to have the most security possible.

So think about this with your business, all the third party vendors that you deal with, all the different people that are providing you either advertising, marketing, any of the situations that you’re dependent on, how many of those are you only dependent on that one company, that one person.

What happens if, if the worst case scenario happens.

What happens when that person gets hit by a car?

You know what happens when that company gets bought out or somebody runs away with a whole bunch of the money and the whole thing folds you.

You just never know where things are when things are going to go wrong.

Don’t be dependent on any one person, any one company for your success.

Have it spread out, have it be diversified in that sense and I think you’ll be happy if you want to see how this can fit into your business and your business life and you want to get on the phone with me or on a video chat.

I’d love to talk with you. Go to That’s my name, Brian J. Pombo and you can go and click on the button that says Help Me To Grow My Business.

There’s an option there for us to be able to talk if you qualify.

Also, if you’re in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services, people will become more self reliant. I’d love to be able to talk with you and I’m offering a free session. What we call a dream business transformation over at

You can find that link in the description.

Go check it out.

Hopefully this was helpful to you. Love to see it tomorrow when we go over a whole other idea. Sometimes we’re hitting something more tactical.

Sometimes we talk about something a little more strategic, or we talk about hardcore principles, but come on back. We’ll talk about something tomorrow too.

So have a great night.

You have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

YouTube ECommerce Marketing Tutorial

YouTube ECommerce Marketing Tutorial
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Hey folks, this is Brian J Pombo with here coming to you from Grants Pass, Oregon today.

Obviously you can’t see me, we’re over on screenshare and we’re going to jump right into it. YouTube ecommerce marketing tutorial. Here we go.

First if you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field and you’d like to experience the dream business transformation, go to dream Biz dream Biz and it’ll take you to this page. It’s a quick little video you could watch that will show you how to take your business….especially if you have an already successful business.

If you really want to take it to that ultimate level of being your dream business. Meaning you’re only putting in the amount of time you want to put in doing the things you love doing the most about your business and outsourcing the rest.

Go to Check this out, watch that video. If you think you qualify, fill out this application below and that will get you a free conversation with me, which at this point in time is a $650 value.

So that aside, let’s take a look at, these guys have a YouTube channel and these videos, if you haven’t seen it, you’ve got to jump over here and watch some of these videos. Look at this. They have over six and a half million subscribers, six and a half million subscribers at this time.

They’re growing all the time. They have videos out on a constant basis. You will not find a video on their channel, on their YouTube channel, that is not a commercial. These are all commercials. This one came out nine hours ago. It has nearly a million views. This one came out five days ago, 2.3 million views.

Why do people watch these commercials, so crazy?

Now they may be at an advertising today’s and maybe a lot of these views come from advertising. I haven’t seen them pop up as ads specifically. These are things that people are watching on their own.

If they subscribe, they literally went and subscribed because they want to watch these every time they’d pop out. So every time a new one comes out, this is popping up in people’s subscription feed and it’s because they’re entertaining.

Me and my kids love watching these things.

So if you look at this, here’s $100 to eat, you click on it. These are commercials. Let me warn you, these are commercials. Of course there’s an ad, so we’ll have to wait for that. But you’re talking about something that is nothing more than a commercial. 10 minute commercial. What’s it about? So this is the owner of the company, I believe he’s the founder of the company.

Here’s some super spicy pickles okay. The whole storyline. I happened to watch this one, the whole storyline of this one is he’s got $100 he is going to offer anyone who has a company $100 if they can get through this entire jar of pickles and they’re super spicy. So He’s going around his company asking people to do it.

They finally get to a point where people are actually doing it here and going through all the comedy that ensues. These are funny videos. These are things you really ought to go and watch them. Very well produced, especially the latest ones.

They put a lot of time and effort, well edited, well filmed, very, very well done. It’s because they put so much time into producing great videos. It’s not just the quality’s great, but the fact that they’re so funny and so well thought out, but each one’s a commercial for something on their website.

They have gag gifts. This is a website made up of gag gifts, basically unique gifts and unusual gift ideas. Just, everything you could think of, there’s a giant gummy worm.

So not only do they put out these things and they get tons of attention for them, everything keeps driving people back to the website. Their name of their channel is, so you go to their website, look at any of their items here.

Let’s check this out. This is a giant sour gummy worm, right? So it looks just like any other ecommerce website. You’ve got all the different categories that you can see. Other things on the website there promise for a flat rate shipping, you know, free shipping over $45 okay, pretty standard right. Over here you’ve got pictures of the items, but you’ve got these videos that they produced on each of the items.

So not only are they using them outward facing, they’re using them for people that come to the website because they’ve got these videos on their website.

It gives them great rank in Google. They’ve got a pretty well done. They’ve got their SEO pretty worked out here. Search engine optimization. For those of you who might be new to this world’s largest sour gummy worm.

If I type that in, look, they’ve got is the first one in their ads. Ah, then you’ve got a result showing up from Amazon, but that looks like one of those that Google pops up to the top, but that’s not typical. Look, all their videos are popping up. Here they are beating on Amazon on the front page.

World’s largest gummy worm is the is the brand name of it, but this is what’s possible. If you can go out there and create great content, put it out there for people to consume.

It’s gotta be entertaining. If it’s entertaining, people will eat it up. It will drive people to your website. Once they’re on the website, you can re-entertain them with other things.

Look you could just click around here and find all these funny videos, nearly everything on here as a funny video attached to it that can check out. So you don’t have to have crazy gifts. Would you have to do is have something entertaining for people to see?

If you do that, you could use it both offsite and onsite. Don’t only have to use YouTube, you can use all the other video channels, all the other distribution places that you can hit up. This is just another form of contact marketing. Hey, we’ll see you next time.

We’re going to have another tactic that we’re going to talk about, these are always fun to talk about, so we’ll see you tomorrow. Have a good one.

Binge-Watching Profits

Binge-Watching Profits
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Binge-Watching profits.

Are you making money off of the binge-watching culture?

Hi, I’m Brian Pambo with Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon.

Today we’re going to be discussing this phenomena that a lot of people, it’s been around long enough. A lot of people don’t remember when it wasn’t like this. 10, 15 years ago we were still all focusing on the next big show that was coming up and everyone was watching it on the same night.


Because Network Television had everything all lined up and we had must see TV on Thursday Nights on NBC and all the other different nights with their own titles, with a lineup of top shows that the new one came out at the same time.

The only people that got to see it ahead of time where people on the east coast versus people on the west coast because of the time difference.

Other than that, everyone saw everything at the same time on the same night and if you missed it, you missed it. The only chance you had was of TiVoing it. If you remember Tivo, that was the first chance you actually had to record things in a relatively easy way without having to pull out a VHS cassette and record things.

So other than that, everyone saw things when it was scheduled. Everyone saw things not when they wanted to see them, when they were told it was going to be available to see.

Nowadays it’s about binge-watching.

The whole concept. I mean, I’m sure you’ve heard of it. It kind of came about when as Netflix streaming became really popular and they started putting all of the old TV shows where you could watch the entire seasons or you had new TV shows or online only television shows provided by Netflix, provided by Hulu, provided by Amazon Prime.

They started putting these out and people would not just sit and watch one episode of night. They wouldn’t just sit and watch one episode a week. They would go and binge. They’d watch multiple episodes a night, they’d watch it for days on end, the exact same television show. They’d watch it all at once in a great big chunk when they got interested in something they can watch as much as they want, as much as is available of it.

And this is something that not all of us have wrapped our heads around because we grew up in a different culture. And even though we know we’re beyond that point now we don’t realize what a huge change this is and what that means to the consumer out there.

So are you allowing your people to be able to binge consume your product, binge consume your services, binge consume any form of marketing that you’re putting out there?

Because this is where content marketing really comes in handy. So YouTube is one of those places that you can see this happening on a regular basis. I can name two examples off the top of my head.

One, what I mentioned yesterday, Adam The Woo, this guy on YouTube, was putting out daily videos. They were daily, unedited vlogs from his life, not as reality TV as you can get him sitting with a cell phone. And putting it out there for everybody to see. Adam The Woo had been putting these things out for a while.

When I came across him, I had found him through another YouTuber by the name of Justin Scarred. We’ll talk about him another time, but he had mentioned being inspired by this person, by Adam. Adam was doing these daily ones. I started watching his daily ones and I wanted to see more.

I wanted to see where this guy came from. He had talked about all these other things that he had done in his life. I went back and watched every single Daily Woo, which is what he calls him that I’ve watched every episode of The Daily Woo’s, all going all the way back from years on.

I think there was at least a couple of years at that point that he had been doing it.

I went back and watched all of them because I was obsessed. I was interested. I binge-watched the whole thing.

Another person I did this with. It was someone who I was so impressed with his marketing and his ability to get attention and it’s very goofy person, very controversial person and a lot more well known guy named Logan Paul. At one time, Logan Paul, I believe was making more money than anybody else on YouTube.

He had kind of a fall from grace, when he had some issues, publicity issues and so forth. But at the time he was putting out nearly daily Vlogs, nearly daily videos on a regular basis. So I went back and I re-watched all his old stuff to see how he got to the point to where he was today.

Binge-watched it all.

This happens across the board when people get interested in you, if you’re providing any type of content out there, I don’t care if it’s written content via a blog or something of that sort. If it’s video content or if it’s audio content and you’re providing a podcast or something like that.

If you’re putting things out there, keep putting it out. Because people, when they come across you, they’re going to go back and re-watch, re-listen, re-read everything else that you put out.

When I come across a really good author, someone that really speaks to me, I’ll go back, I’ll read all their other books.

It’s not a new phenomenon, “Binge-watching” its’ just a phenomena that’s new to watching. But this is a media sensation that always occurs. It’s just now we can access things so much quicker, so much regularly on demand when we want it.

Put stuff out there that people could consume, put things out there that people can get to know, like, and trust you with.

If you do that, you’ll create a following. You’ll create everything that’s necessary for you to beat out the competition and to make a difference in the world. Which hopefully that’s something that you’re looking to do with your business, with your organization, with your mission in life.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about something completely different yet tied to it all at the same time. I’m going to leave it completely blank for you. We’ll get into that tomorrow.

Get out there, let the magic happen, and you have a great night.

The Adam The Woo Content Technique

The Adam The Woo Content Technique
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Check Out Adam’s Tow YouTube Channels –

Adam The Woo Channel –

The Daily Woo Channel –

Today we’re going to talk about The Adam The Woo Content Technique.

Are we live? It sure appears so.

Today we’re going to go through, this is a dear friend of mine. At least I consider him a friend. Well, we’ve only met once, but I’ve been watching this guy for so many years that I feel like I know him.

His name’s Adam The Woo, and he got famous for traveling around the country in a van, living out of a van and going to all of his favorite spots, which were either abandoned locations or they were a movie filming locations, or they were theme parks.

He just went anywhere and everywhere that he thought was interesting, recorded them and put out some really good content over the years on video. Ended up with a huge following on YouTube.

Here you can see his main channel, Adam The Woo has 372,000 subscribers.

There’s a reason why I’m bringing him up. I’d like to go into more detail of what I like about Adam and everything in the long run. Right now I want to focus on his content strategy because, a few years after he started this, he started a second channel on Youtube called The Daily Woo and now it has 334,000 subscribers.

It has grown on its own. The reason why he started The Daily Woo was to have a secondary channel where he could do daily vlogging that he had seen other people do on Youtube.

Which was basically nothing more than an unedited video that were usually pretty quick.

These ones are a little longer because now he’s back to editing them. That’s a different story. But he started this channel, if you’ll look at his oldest, this was back over seven years ago, I believe, that he started this channel and they were completely unedited and that you could see a day by day by day.

He went over five years doing every single day, another unedited video where he was showing where he was at.

Maybe given a few thoughts. Maybe, I mean look at these, some of these are under a minute. It’s just him being a goofball, especially in these early ones. But him just putting out content. It wasn’t heavy content. It was light content.

So fast forward to today, I started a podcast for my business called The Off The Grid Biz Podcast and these are edited interviews that I have with people.

I really take my time with them, try to get the best quality interview, try and cut out any extra, umm’s and ahh’s and ums especially that come from me. Because I tend to stutter a lot as you can tell.

And we put out some really good audio here I think that is very thoughtful. I also sit and talk about the deep business concepts that these people have brought up in the interviews.

We’ve only put out seven of these. It’s just started earlier this year. We only put out one or two or three a month at most, but that’s The Off The Grid Biz Podcast.

In addition, about a month later, started putting out Brian J. Pombo Live, which is what you’re watching right now.

These are put out on Facebook Live and then they are rebroadcast over Linkedin, Twitter post, a YouTube. We put out in YouTube that Twitter posts the link to the YouTube. Instagram, and then we take the audio and we put it out in podcast format.

So you get in all the places where you find podcasts. You can find Brian J. Pombo Live. Brian J. Pombo Live is completely unedited.

It’s more just a light touch on these topics. Similar to how Adam The Woo has done. I did not intentionally go out and copy Adam The Woo. It was only after the fact that I realized what I was doing.

I had created these two channels that he originally had. Now he no longer updates his Adam The Woo channel. He’s doing all edited content over on The Daily Woo channel but originally he had these best of two worlds available to him and it allows him to do a little bit of both things, allows him to put out content on a regular basis whether he wants to or not.

It’s going out and getting new people. That content has a life of its own.

If you want to learn more about content marketing. Go to and I can show you how to take your business and transform it using things like content marketing. If you aren’t already taking full advantage of all the free organic content sources out there, you definitely want to do that. Go to you’ll see this video.

If you go there and watch that video and then if you feel like you would qualify, fill out the application and we’ll see if you qualify to sit down and talk with me. Either way, this is what we’ve got for today, the very first screen share, look at (screen on the video) that going forever and ever and ever very first screen share video. Hopefully we’ll be able to do more of these in the future. Thanks for coming.

Get out there and let the magic happen in your life.

A Major Secret to Success

A Major Secret to Success

A Major Secret to Success, with Sean Douglas.
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Brian & Sean went out to an event and met David & Beth Pruett from

  • Today’s conversation is about the value of getting out and mixing it up with people in the target market you work in or want to work in.

For us, that’s getting to know people in the off grid, homesteading niche.

Where were you May 6th, 2019?

Where were you May 6th, 2019?

The FIRST of many online chats.
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