The Biggest Secret in All of Business

The Biggest Secret in All of Business

The Biggest Secret in all of Business.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We get together every day and talk a little bit, go over some real simple concept and then I send you on your way and today is no different.

It’s funny, I don’t know if you heard that ding that just happened. I have my phone set to alert me every time that somebody that I’m specifically following goes live and it’s following me. So I’m going live right now and it’s alerting me.

I’ve got to make sure I turn that off before I do this. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming again from Grants Pass Oregon. Today we’re going to talk about the biggest secret in all of business and what is the biggest secret?

Do you know what it is?

I’ll give you a clue.

I thought about it as I picked up this off of my shelf. This is 108 Proven Split Test Winners.

This was put together by Russell Brunson’s team, over at Click Funnels and they put this out as kind of an advertisement for their business. But it’s a very brilliant way of doing it because what it does is it talks about split testing and split testing throughout your entire funnel on your website.

So regardless of whether or not, let me just look through here, I mean, you know, whether it’s better to have a large video or a small video. Or whether you’re asking them a three word survey or a or a four word survey. I mean, just one thing after another as to things that they ran up against each other.

If you’re not sure what a split test is, it’s when you run two things at the same time and you have enough traffic going through it that you could see which one’s the winner. The winners of 108 different tests that they did over time.

Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean it would be the same winner in your situation with your market. All markets are different, but it’s the concept behind it. In some cases they ran some of these tests over many different markets.

So they have a pretty good idea of certain things that come with human psychology or at least come with the times.

So what is this?

Is this a big book of secrets?

It is in a sense, and as marketers we use the term secret over and over and over and over again.

Russell himself has the book, Dotcom Secrets and also, Expert Secrets.

I think he’s coming out with traffic secrets soon.

I mean he’s driven that word into the ground because it’s a hot word. It makes you think that there’s something that is being kept from you or something that you haven’t been told or something that very few people know.

And once I know it, I’m going to be special.

You know, it comes with the territory when you think about that word and that is one of the biggest secrets in all of business is that there really are no true secrets, no secrets that are worth knowing.

Really, it’s all written down.

The reason why I have all these books, the reason why I get other programs and things of the sort….audio video, anything I can get my hands on when it fits what I’m looking for, is because there’s no secrets.

Is that anybody that’s doing something out there that’s making a big difference, they eventually tell somebody it eventually gets recorded and individually gets disseminated out to the rest of us.

There’s no secrets in business.

The same principles apply today as apply to a hundred years ago as applied 500 years ago as will apply in the future because the principles are always based on things that don’t change.

It’s part of the word itself.

Things just do not change.

When there are principles, they’re solid. They’re very clear cut, that’s the big secret.

The big secret is there is no secret, I think Earl Nightingale said that about The Strangest Secret. He had this famous record called The Strangest Secret and I think he was one of them that said that the secret is not a secret.

It’s out there. And I’ve had many of my mentors say the same thing through the years, that you can find out anything you need to find out. And when it comes to any changes in your business, if you are looking to change your marketing up, if you’re looking to stand out more within with your customers or anybody else, there’s someone out there that can help you.

I know there’s certain areas of business that I’m not the best at, I’m not the greatest at tech and code and all this stuff on websites when it comes to really specific things.

I’d rather find either find someone else who can do it for me or learn the secret from somebody else and find a quick way of doing it.

You’re the same way.

You just got to realize there’s no obstacle you’re going to come across that you’re not going to be able to go over if you have right attitude, you can get through anything.

You just have to get really good at finding who the person is that has the information or has the skill and put them to work for you.

So one of the things I do as a business strategist is I come in and my main focus has always been business growth.

But even going a little bit further than that and being a little bit more specific, I’m all about helping you to stand out in front of your customers, in front of the customers that you want the most.

So if you’d like to work with me or I’d like to find out more about what I do, go to there’s a little plug for me.

Also if you’re in the self-reliance field, meaning that you have products and services help people become more self reliant and whatever that means to go to There’s a video they’re going watch.

It gives you an idea of what the Dream Business Transformation is and why I give them away.

Even though I charge most people in most industries, $600 and above for their strategy sessions. The Dream Business Transformation is specifically for those in the self-reliance, so go check that out.

We’ll be back here tomorrow. We’re back here every day and we’ll see you then. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.