What Is the 6th Key to Growth?

What Is the 6th Key to Growth?


What is the sixth key to growth?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you live every day. Today from Grants Pass, Oregon.

I forgot to turn our light on back here. Let me turn that on. There we go. Gotta have the lamp light going and then I’m going to bring up this. This has something to do with what the sixth key to growth is and there are seven keys to growth and this is kind of how I would define what I call the Worthington Method.

The Worthington Method helps businesses take a direction that they’re wanting to go and making it reality.

So it’s really creating that dream business and if you’re looking to create that dream business out of the business that you already have, go to DreamBizChat.com.

DreamBizChat.com you can watch a quick video and it’ll tell you all about it.

So just go check it out. Let me know what you think.

Especially if you’re a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field. I think you’ll find it quite interesting, DreamBizChat.com. The link is in the description.

So what’s the sixth key to growth? Up till now we’ve had videos on all the other keys.

They include the first one define a destination, second one was identifying the obstacles. Third Identifying the assets. The fourth one was assessing specific numbers. I’ve got my cheat list right over here, so I keep looking over. And then the fifth one is defining the straight line.

The sixth one has to do with laying out a single tactic.

That has everything to do with this book right here. And if you haven’t read this book, make sure you go out and get it.

I don’t get paid for saying this, but this book by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, The One Thing. Killer book, great book, regardless of what you’re looking to do in life, if you are looking to do something on a regular basis and really make a splash, this is a book that you have to read.

It’s all about productivity and it’s about simplifying.

It’s about making things easier and easier way to get where you want to go.

Now the main focus of their book is all around this one question, the same question and that question is, I’m going to go, I’ve got the page already saved here.

What’s the one thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary.

What’s the one thing?

So if you throw that into the Worthington Method, we’ve already defined where we want to go.

So the question is, what’s the one thing that you can do right now knowing that you know the assets, knowing that you know your numbers.

You know what obstacles are staying in your way for the long-term. What is the one thing that you could do right now that can take you closer to the destination that you’ve defined?

That’s what the sixth step is all about, is coming up with what that one thing thing is. And then moving towards and really quantifying it.

Saying, what’s the one thing. The way I like to think about it usually in terms of businesses, because most of my clients I meet with on a weekly basis, I will give them one thing to consider for a week or a month.

So it’s either a week or a month based goal. Either you’ve got to get this done within a week or within a month or we’re taking a piece of it that they have to get done in a week or a month and just focusing on doing that one thing, not on all the other steps that are necessary to get to this huge dream goal at the end.

It’s what’s the what that first big step going to take for you.

That’s what the six sixth step is about when we’re talking about the Worthington Method and what we’re talking about tonight, so hopefully that makes sense to you. Like I say, all these things start coming together tomorrow night.

The final one piece of the puzzle of The Worthington Method number seven. We’re going to go over that tomorrow night. Come on back then, and if you have any questions, leave a comment down below.

Also, you can go check out past videos and the audios from the videos over at the website, BrianJPombo.com. You have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.