Your Business Must Be Cheesy

Your Business Must Be Cheesy
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Listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen. Your business must be cheesy.

I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office. This is Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you by

Today we’re going to discuss a very important topic, it’s a secret. It’s one of these things that is not talked about often enough. I know you hear me that say that all the time.

If you can grasp this, you’ll change your business and therefore will change your life.

If you can wrap your mind around this concept, it’s not what I made up. Once again, this is not an original idea. This particular one is from Dean Jackson, who I’ve spoken about before. A real estate mogul and a marketing guru, you could say. This is a concept that he puts out all the time through his materials.

You can find them for free online, check it out. I don’t get paid by Dean or anything of that sort, but he has a podcast. He has a podcast called More Cheese, Less Whiskers and we’re going to talk about that today.

I have with me the dollar tree whiteboard, on this side of the country (West Coast), we call them Dollar Trees. They’re a Dollar Store. Okay, now follow along. If you can get this, like I said, it’s going to be huge for you.

You’ve got a mouse. This is no corporate brand or anything like that, so don’t get that out of your mind. It’s just a mouse. Let me fix a little bit here, make it look like a real mouse there. Real mouse. As realistic as I can get. Okay. You’ve got a mouse.

What are mice attracted to? They’re attracted to cheese. What are they repelled by….and I just want you think like a cartoon. I don’t want you to think like of actual mice or depending on what type of mice. What are they actually repelled by? I have no idea. But the cartoons tell me, mice are repelled by cats.

Mice love cheese, mice hate cats.

What’s this have to do with business? Your customer. I want you to think about this, your customer, your clients, your potential customer or client is a mouse. You need to provide them more cheese, less whiskers. What’s whiskers?

It’s if a mouse gets a scent, a slight ascent of cheese, it will flow through the air toward the cheese, right? It will do everything it can. It will go through mazes to get to that piece of cheese. It will risk life and limb in a mouse trap. It will do anything for a delicious piece of cheese.

If it gets the slightest hint of a whisker of a cat, it’s gone in the opposite direction. Nothing repels it more than a cat. Nothing attracts it more than cheese. So how’s this fit into your business?

Most of the time the things that we’re providing out there for our potential customer, potential client is whiskers.

We’re giving them the scent of the sales man, of a person wanting something from us. We’ve gotten neediness. Even if you’re putting out commercials, if you’re putting out advertising, why does advertising not work long-term is because people get blind to it.

They just start ignoring it. They start running away from it. They come up with nasty names like spam for it and everything else. Anything they can do to get away from the concept of someone who wants something from them and we’re all the same way. You’re the same way, I’m the same way.

We do everything we can to stay away from the person that wants something that is trying to get us to buy something, trying to separate us from our money. That’s what the cat is. That’s what the whiskers are. What you have to do is provide cheese. What does the mouse want?

All mice different in this case and this scenario when we’re talking customers, all customers are different. You have to think about your ideal customer and what is your ideal customer want? I’ll give you an example. My ideal customer currently, I refer to them more as clients because they’re less and less as customers.

It’s an ongoing client relationship that I have with my clients and they’re in the self-reliance field. They’re a business owner. They have an already successful business, meaning they’re not a startup. They have a business that’s been going and they’re successful. They’re looking to take it to the next level. They’re looking for someone to come along to help them through that process.

That is my ideal mouse. What’s the best cheese for them? I’ll tell you what isn’t cheese for them. I’ll tell you what’s whiskers, is me trying to sell them something.

Me trying to sell them a package deal. Me trying to sell them, get them on the phone, put ads in front of them. It doesn’t work out as well as cheese.

If they’re trying to promote their business, if they’re trying to get things out there, if they’re looking outside the box, which is the type of person that I’m looking for. Then they’re going to look for interview opportunities. They’re going to look for every chance they can to promote. So here’s where the podcast that I came up with that we talked about yesterday Off The Grid Biz Podcast. You can find it at

You’ll hear all the interviews I’ve already done. Many of those people are ideal clients for me. It doesn’t necessarily mean that I’ll ever go through the process with them, but I have a piece of cheese called an interview and I’m just giving away the farm right here.

I’m telling you exactly what my marketing plan is. I’m not going to tell you all of it really, but I’m giving you a big piece of it and I’ll tell them straight out this is a way for me to be able to, if nothing else, learn more about the marketplace.

We’re more about the mice and how they think. You think this is degrading? What’s degrading is when you don’t realize that everyone out there has something they want.

Your job is to get them what they want, not what they need, what they want. They want the cheese.

Help them to get the cheese. You can then help them to get what they need along the process, but they’re not going to listen to you if you’re giving off whiskers. If you’re trying to push your ideas on them, that’s whiskers. You need more cheese. Your business needs to be more cheesy.

We’re going to dig into this over time, but my podcast is a great example of cheese for the right type of mouse. For the type of mouse that I’m looking for, for the clients I’m looking for, for the relationships, the people I’m looking to work with long-term.

Even if they never become clients and I’ve met some amazing people offering this little piece of cheese. They may not ever become clients, but they help me to learn more about the marketplace. They lead the way to building my business and helping me to meet more people and get integrated into the niche that we’re currently looking in.

Included in that is the fact that I’m offering cheese to a whole bunch of people that are going to be speaking and presenting and doing all types of things at the Mother Earth News Fair in Albany, Oregon.

If you’re interested in that type of realm of self reliance, go over there and check it out. If you are a business owner who happened to be in the self-reliance field, go to

You can also find the link in the description, either below or above, depending on where you’re watching this go to

Watch the video. Tell me what you think and fill out the application if you think it applies to you. That’s all we got for today. Tomorrow. More great stuff. We’ll see you then.