How Can Celebrities Sell Your Stuff?

How Can Celebrities Sell Your Stuff?

So how can celebrities help you sell your stuff?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you every day from Grants Pass Oregon. Nearly every day, unless I’m somewhere else.

Today we’re going to talk about celebrities and how they can help you sell your products, your services. And we’re going to use the example that we mentioned yesterday from the book by now by Rick Cesari and Ron Lynch.

Ron Lynch is not the actor and voice-over person, comedian. It’s a different Ron Lynch.

This is the same chapter, the biggest knockout in history that we talked about yesterday and it concerns George Foreman, George Foreman and George Foreman’s Grill and the fact that they were able to sell this for the first time over infomercials.

Even though it was an old type of product, even though it had been out on the market before and everything else, it had never been produced as a health product and presented by a well known celebrity by well-known, likable celebrity.

He mentions it here about why George Foreman was such an important part of that situation.

It says successful celebrity branding transfers the value of the person to the product he or she endorses.

See, it’s about the transfer of trust.

That’s a huge thing.

Let me continue. He says, because Foreman was considered a solid citizen who was known to enjoy his food and packed a punch of personality. He made a perfect spokesman for a kitchen must have.

His age and past experience as a finely tuned athlete, helped to make him ideal to endorse the special innovations of solvents that reducing grill.

Salton was the company that created the George Foreman Grill.

It’s that transfer. It’s what people relate back to that person, either in the moment or through past engagement with them. It’s what they relate back to them that can transfer over to a product or service that they’re endorsing.

You can think about as in any type of celebrity endorsement, if you keep your eyes open when you’re watching TV or watching YouTube or watching anything that has commercials, celebrity endorsements are huge nowadays.

You have to ask yourself, who are they appealing to when this person is endorsing?

Who are they impaling to when that person’s endorsing, what does that saying?

Put yourself in the shoes of the person that’s interested in what’s being sold and does it do the job?

It’s a very interesting concept. You have to think about the nature of celebrity.

What is celebrity?

Celebrity is a person that’s really well known.

That’s really what makes a celebrity. Is there anything else that you could use to define a celebrity?

Yeah, they may be well known for something specific. So they may be an athlete, a former athlete, they may be a movie movie star of some sort or a television star, but they all have the same thing in common.

Celebrity means known and what do we talk about when we’re talking about getting your business going and really getting attention.

It’s about being known, liked and trusted.

So celebrities are already known and the really good ones are already liked to some extent. And with that comes an element of trust.

Just automatically there’s going to be trust associated, but there’s specific types of trust, specific type of celebrities for the specific market.

It all depends on who you’re trying to get your product or service to.

What celebrities would those type of people be interested in?

A celebrity does one major thing really well. It makes a person stop. Even if the person doesn’t know, like the celebrity, if they know who it is, they will stop for a split second longer to pay attention to go, What’s this person saying?

What’s that person saying?

Why are they on this newspaper ad?

Why are they here on this banner, on this website?

What’s going on here?

It’s a quick second, but they will that second can make the difference between a sale and not a sale. It can make the difference of them attention or complete glaze over as just another ad. It’s just hear and gone immediately.

That’s what celebrities all about.

So he talks about a whole bunch of different celebrities situations, but also an interesting one. It’s the celebrities he was able to make. So these are people that have an element that could make them a celebrity and he turns them into a celebrity. So, I don’t know if you got any of that.

You guys remember this guy?

The Juice Man, Jay Cordage passed away a few years ago, but Jay Cordage had this machine called the juice man machine and he was trying to get it out there.

He was doing show a live live events where Rick found him. He saw him at a live event. He saw that he had this charisma and that he was bringing people along and yeah, he was a good pitchman.

He was good at selling the product, but he said he saw that he was good at teaching. .

At the same time he’s teaching about nutrition.

He’s talking about each of the items that he’s putting in and why he puts it in and everything else. I mean, look, they sold a book along with, or a came free, I don’t remember exactly what the pitch was, but this went along with the juice man juicer when you bought it.

I was able to get a copy of this from somebody else, but it’s still great stuff. The juice man became a celebrity to the point that Jim Carey impersonated him on the show that Jim Carey was on back then, In Living Color, back in their early nineties, great stuff.

But they made a celebrity out of nobody out of somebody that was just walking the street.

I mean, he wasn’t a nobody.

This guy went out, started a company, started a product from scratch, put himself out there, but from himself putting himself out as a celebrity, he got a TV guy to take him and make him an even bigger celebrity by putting him out there in the public’s view that this is the nature of celebrity.

It’s the known, liked and trusted.

If you don’t have a celebrity, make a celebrity.

Get out there and get your products and services in the hands of the people that matter most. That’s what it’s all about and celebrity can be a great help in that.

Hey, hope you found this interesting. Hope you found that useful.

If you happen to be a business owner or an executive that’s in the self reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people to become more self reliant, go to I’ve got a quick video there that gives you an incentive to try something completely new called the dream business transformation.

It’s free if you qualify. So go check it out. you can see the link in the description and we will see you tomorrow where we’ll have another tip, another little conversation about these concepts.

Have a great day and get out there and let the magic happen.

Personality Marketing: Right For You?

Personality Marketing: Right For You?
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Personality marketing, personality marketing. Let me say this right, personality marketing. Is it right for you?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon.

Is this thing on? Is this thing on? The only reason why I had the mice gag is because we’re talking about comedians today. I got to see something that, I think just came out, which is really unusual for me.

Let me make sure I get my microphone so you can actually hear me. I don’t normally see things when they first come out. It takes me a while. I catch up real late on these things.

Netflix just put out the latest season as I understand it, just put out the latest season of, uh, comedians in cars getting coffee. Which if you haven’t ever seen it, very worth seeing if you enjoy watching any type of comedians whatsoever.

Jerry Seinfeld hosts the show. He takes a different car out that he thinks represents the person he’s going to be picking up. He picks up a famous person. Quite oftentimes someone that has something to do with comedy, even if they’re not stand up comedians.

In this particular episode, first episode, I saw the thing for it. I said, well, we got to watch that right away. It was Eddie Murphy. If you aren’t familiar with Eddie Murphy, I don’t know what to tell you.

He’s an amazing comedic actor going all the way back to the early eighties is when he first hit the scene, with Saturday Night Live and so forth, go back and watch old Eddie Murphy movies and you’ll be caught up. But Eddie Murphy’s on there with Jerry Seinfeld. They’re talking about comedy and there is great stuff throughout the whole thing.

There are a lot of parallels that come back to personality marketing, I wanted to point out one to you right away, even if you haven’t seen it, this won’t ruin it for you.

In the talk, they’re driving around, they’re sitting drinking coffee, they’re driving around talking.

At one point he talks about being at a point where he had so many people that just liked him and they were there to just see him.

It didn’t matter what he said. They were gonna find it funny because they enjoyed him.

They were already kind of followers. They had already bought in. They were indoctrinated into the Eddie Murphy Colt. That’s not what he said. That’s my own words. But it has a parallel and you can see it across the board.

You take any major personality, even somebody in a small niche, if they have a bit of a following. If they have people that either find them a celebrity or an expert or see them as somebody that’s kind of beyond where they’re at with something, they will adopt kind of a colt like personality to them and it doesn’t matter who they are.

It doesn’t matter if they’re a sports figure. It doesn’t matter if they’re president of the United States. It doesn’t matter who they are.

People will pull this along and the people that ended up following them will follow them blindly, defend them blindly. Just thinking off the top of my head, OJ Simpson, anyone that remembers, he was a popular, very popular football player, professional football player, and he wasn’t all that popular at the time when he got into trouble with the law and had a situation where he was on trial for killing his wife.

He was known, but he wasn’t that popular across the board. People my age and younger, they knew the name.

They saw him in movies like The Naked Gun and everything, but they didn’t know that much him. But he still had a following. He still had people that defended him no matter what came out, no matter how much it looked like he was guilty. You still have people to this day that will defend him, not based on facts or the idea that they watched every hour of his trial because it was all televised.

It has nothing to do with it. They believed in the person, they were stuck on the person.

It’s a very powerful tool, but it obviously it can totally be misused and it’s misused all the time. And if you’re going to adopt personality marketing in your business, you have to realize the potential for one of these things happening.

Let me get back to Eddie Murphy. Eddie Murphy was talking about everybody just being enamored with him and to the point where he would go out on stage and he tested out and he just stopped talking and just stand there. And he said, and people would laugh and he said one time he held it for 10 minutes and people kept laughing.

He kind of move his face a little bit and he’d kind of look a little funny, or he cleared his throat and people would start laughing. He knew that he was at a special place, and I think I’ve heard him discuss it in other interviews.

He talks about the dangers of having that type of following and how it can go to your head. You can let it go to your head. You can think you’re really hot stuff or whatever else.

There’s a lot of power in personality marketing. I encourage people to use it, but no misuse it and realize that when you’re out there as a personality, when you’re out there doing any type of content marketing and you’re doing it consistently as a person.

You’re going to have people that are FOR YOU and you’re going to have people that are AGAINST you.

The people that are against you can sometimes be just as useful. Who do you think shares more about Alexandria Ocasio Cortez than people who dislike her? I think I see much more memes and everything else from those people than anybody else.

She’s gotten more popular all over the people that disdain her. Same with Donald Trump on the other end. They thrive off of people being against them. It cements the people who are for them into being more for them. It promotes them.

Even though it’s promoting a negative side, it’s still promoting their name and their brand out there. So don’t be scared of negativity. Negativity comes along with building up your personality brand and putting it out there more and more.

These are all things to consider when thinking about having some more personality branding in your business.

Writing books and everything we’re going to talk about in the future because I’ve gotten to interview a lot of amazing writers and all their unique stories about what led them to end up writing books, but the results of them writing a book are all very, very common.

We’re going to talk about that more tomorrow.

If you happen to be in the self-reliance field in, and your a business owner, or you’re an executive in a business that helps people to become more self reliant, or you have a story that promotes self-reliance, you’re someone I’d like to talk to. Go to you can find the link in the description.

Wherever you’re watching this, you can find a link. Just click on that.

So just go to, go there, watch the quick video. Tell me what you think of it. If it sounds like something that would interest you, fill out the application. We’ll see if we can talk.

We’ll see you tomorrow when we talk about books and how they can help promote your personality. We’ll see you then.

The #4 Way You Can Amazon-Proof Your Business

The #4 Way You Can Amazon Proof Your Business
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The #4 Way To Amazon-Proof Your Business….

  • Be Somebody
  • Perhaps it’s you as the owner or someone else in the company, but having a personality in your business can help you separate from the competition.
  • Brian shares why he changed everything over in his business back to his name
  • It all comes back to know, like and trust
  • first they know you, then they like you and then they trust you

Past Videos on Amazon-Proofing Your business

9 –
8 –
7 –
6 –
5 –

Do You Deserve Attention?

Do You Deserve Attention?
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Do you deserve to be known?

Do you believe you should be allowed to be seen?

  • That is, do you think you have a worthy opinion on a subject(s) that others would actually want to hear what you have to say.

Do you feel like you’re not entertaining enough to be heard?

  • Truth is, you really don’t have to be that entertaining or know that much more than others, just a little bit more.
  • The best way to get people to rally to your cause is to put yourself out there and do it consistently.
  • In the end, people buy from those they know, like and trust.