How Known Are You To Your Prospective Customers?

How Known Are You To Your Prospective Customers?

How known are you to your perspective customers?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the office here at the headquarters in Grants Pass Oregon for another Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I want to talk about being known.

It’s kind of a very basic idea, but it comes from the concept of being known, liked and trusted as being kind of the cornerstones of something you should focus on.

If you’re really wanting to stand out within your marketplace, stand out within your industry, stand out, apart from your competition, known, liked and trusted. Those are the steps.

It starts with being known.

And so I wanted to talk about that with you today. I was having a discussion with somebody, a friend of mine that’s running for political office locally and this was yesterday I was having this talk with him.

And we were actually listening to somebody else giving him advice who had ran for political office and everything that she had mentioned had to do with the concept of being known by the right people.

Of course, that’s what it comes down to.

But it occurred to me that it’s really across the board. It doesn’t matter whether you’re running for political office, it doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to get more customers for your business.

It doesn’t matter whether your doing network marketing and you’re trying to get people involved in that.

It doesn’t matter whether you run a nonprofit and you’re trying to get people to donate.

It all comes down to being known, liked, and trusted, and the toughest thing for people to wrap their mind around is that first step of being known. But it is so important.

Politics, it’s completely true of one of the things that people don’t take into account over the last major presidential election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is that you had two people that were nominated by their parties very clearly. I mean obviously they had some credentials of some sort, but they were largely nominated because they had enormous name recognition.

How often do you see two people up against each other who were very well known by the average person?

Even people who have nothing to do with politics but their names preceded them. They are known to some extent they have that name recognition. I think a lot of what allowed Donald Trump to go from someone who had never held political office at all to being the president of the United States came from that name recognition that you just can throw away.

Yeah, you could say that he was on TV and all these other things, but it was the fact that people knew his name that made him stand out.

They knew his name and I bet possibly, maybe even more people knew his name then Hillary Clinton, and especially if you talk about the voters, the people that ended up voting across the board. Obviously you deal with the electoral college and all that, those details, but you can see how this was a way that he can, he could actually run, have all the blunders and everything, all the strange situations that came about during the election and still rise above it and when it’s that name recognition.

The same thing’s true of a local political office, but the same thing is true of you.

If you’re trying to get more customers, it all comes back to name recognition. Recognition, knowing who you are, knowing whether they like you or not, whether they have an opinion or not is the next step.

But the concept that they know who you are, that they know you exist, that they know what you have to do with is a major thing.

Take any industry in your local area, whether you’re new to that area or not, how many of them can you name someone in that industry?

Let’s say somebody that install’s glass.

Who do you think of when you think of somebody that installs class?

Have you had someone installed glass for you?

I’m talking about windows and so forth, whether it be in a car or your house.

Who do you know that?

Is it a place that you drive by every day that you just happen to know the name of the place?

Knowing is half the battle being known as half the battle.

Grant Cardone says it’s not. It’s not who you know, it’s who knows you.

And I think that’s a very true truism is about being known and being that the bet, that first major step, the best thing about being in a local market, you have less people that need to know you. So it’s easier to get to them.

You have less avenues to get to them.

So you have the ability and you have the ability to get to know the one on one. That’s what you’re dealing with. A local market.

If you’re dealing with a very small niche, a very small industry, that’s also a good thing.

There’s only a few ways that you can get to those people. And the fewer, the more restrictions you have, is the better. In terms of advertising, marketing, everything else, the opposite of the way we think.

If you consider everybody your customer, that’s tough because that’s more people that have got to get to know you. So these are all just little questions to kinda start you in on your journey.

If you’d like to find out more about how this can help you. Go to how this would apply directly to your business. You could set up a strategy session with me if you happen to be in the self-reliance field a go and check out me.

You’ve got products and services that help people to become more reliant. Go and check out the link is in the description.

Hope you have a great night. Hopefully that was helpful for you. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Another Reason Why We Should NOT Work Together

Another Reason Why We Should NOT Work Together

Here’s another reason why we should NOT work together.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon. Today we’re talking about a very simple concept. About a reason why you should not work with certain people, whether it be me or whether it be somebody else, whether it be an employee, whether it be a partner and investor.

Here’s a good reason why you shouldn’t.

Where does it come to? It comes to trust. It comes back to that whole trust thing, but even previous to trust on the most subtlest level, so we’ve talked about the quote people do business with and refer business to people who they Know, Like and Trust. Know is pretty simple.

You have to have knowledge of the person to begin with before you’re ever going to do business with them. You’re going to have to have knowledge of them, their business, their product, their service, what have you.

You have to Know about it first.

There’s no way you could do business with someone you don’t know about. So Know is an absolute.

Like is one that I’d like to talk about a little bit more today and Trust is something a lot more deeper, when you’re talking long-term, it’s something that can be built up over time. It’s also something that can be depleted over time even though you may start out trusting somebody.

Let’s talk about Like though, because like is a pretty simple concept and it’s not something that you can describe all that well. You either Like something or you don’t Like something and if you don’t Like something you’re going to know right away.

So if you’re watching my videos, you’re either going to Like me or not Like me. Pretty much right off the bat. And if you don’t Like me, you shouldn’t ever work with me. Don’t work with people you don’t Like.

Now where am I getting? Where’s all this coming from? I mentioned yesterday, I saw this video a couple months back from Damon John. It’s an interview setting. It’s just a clip off of some something that he had put together.

It’s 43 seconds long. I’ve got the link in the description. You can go watch it yourself off of Linkedin. He may have had it on some of his other social media. That’s just where I happened to see it. So Daymond John from Shark Tank and FUBU fame.

He’s discussing how if he doesn’t like the person, if he can’t stand listening to the person or talking to the person, he’s not going to go into business with the person. And this seems really simple, but don’t miss the power there.

The power is, there’s a part of business you can’t control.

I’ve had clients that I could tell just didn’t Like me and I knew that just over a matter of time, it wasn’t going to work out. If I was in a better position, I would’ve been able to tell them right off the bat, Hey, I don’t think this is going to work out. I don’t think we’re a good fit. You don’t have to go into detail. But if you don’t Like the person, don’t pain yourself into going and working with them.

If you’ve got to interact with a person on a regular basis, there has to be something a little deeper underneath everything, a reason for being together other than just trying to get financial gain from each other. So just a simple concept. Go watch that Daymond John video.

If you are an executive or a business owner that’s in the self-reliance field, you’re someone I like to talk to.

Go to, if you do Like me. I don’t care if you Like me or not. But if you do Like me, if you Like the the type of concepts that we talk about here on the videos, then go to

I’d love to be able to talk with you one on one show you how these concepts, principles, strategies apply to your business directly. the eight and a half minute video. Go and watch it.

The link is in the description so you can go and click on it or just type in into Google or your browser. So have a great day tomorrow going to be talking about something else, some other business topic.

I don’t even know what we’re talking about tomorrow. So your guess is as good as mine and it’ll be a nice little surprise. So we’ll catch back to you again tomorrow. Have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Do They Trust You?

Do They Trust You?

That’s all fine, but do they trust you? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office here in Grants Pass Oregon. It’s a lovely day today. A little overcast, nice weather. I was hanging out with my family today, and Wednesday’s to do that. Tend to spend a lot less time in the office, a lot more time with my family.

Let’s talk a little bit about trust and how that affects your business.

I don’t care whether you’ve got a local based business or whether you’ve got a large e-commerce in Pyre or whether you’ve got a real tight business with only you and maybe a handful of other, uh, employees. It doesn’t matter. Trust matters as long as there’s only two places. Well, there’s one main place that trust doesn’t matter.

Trust doesn’t matter if you’re selling short-term, if you’re selling one time products or services to people.

And it doesn’t matter whether they like it or not, you just get in, you sell it, you make the money, you move on.

If you’re doing that type of business, and I don’t think most of the people that I’m talking to do that. But if you’re doing that type of business, trust doesn’t matter because you just move on to the next and you don’t care much about reviews online or anything of that sort.

You’re just care about finding the next person, the next person, the next person, the next person and you don’t have to worry about repeat business.

But if you’re in any other type of business where you’re more concerned about repeat business, where you you’d like to get a customer, once you realize it takes a whole lot to get that customer to buy one time, you might as well have them buying over and over and over again or getting involved in a subscription or getting them involved in a membership or some form of action where you build trust over time.

Where they like you more and more and more and more as time goes on as opposed to less and less and less the more interaction that they have with you or your product or service.

That’s where trust comes in.

It seems like real fluffy concept, but it’s real. It’s a real thing that exists in the human mind. And I’m gonna prove it to you in a second that we can take this all back to this quote. I know I bring it up nearly every other video that we sit here together, but it’s that quote from Bob Burg that, I’m paraphrasing it.

It’s basically discussing that, you know, if you set aside everything else people do business with people that they Know, Like, and Trust.

And it’s a great quote. Because it’s so simple and it seems like one of those things that’s been around for a really long time and it’s not that old of a quote. It’s only a handful of years old and, but it’s, it’s really held true.

If you go and you look it up and see all the articles and everything else that had been written about that one quote. And it comes down to the simplicity of those three words.

Know, Like, Trust and among these, Trust is the greatest.

And if you’ll listen to Dean Jackson, he’s one of my heroes really within the marketing world and business strategy world. He’s the one that I first heard say that it’s really in that order. First they Know you, then they Like you and then they Trust you.

So that’s a cool concept because it really does kind of have to go on that or no one’s going to trust you if they don’t at least know who you are or know what your product is or know what your services. And so it’s Know, Like, Trust. They Know you and then they Like you a little and then they Trust you.

The interesting thing about Trust, and there’s a whole lot you can get into the psychology of this.

One of my favorite books on it, very simple con book that’s called no BS Trust-Based Marketing and it’s by Dan Kennedy who I also talk about a lot and Matt Zagula. Go and look up this book highly, highly, highly recommend it.

There’s some great parts in it, especially the first half of it hits on some major points. The last half of it goes into details of tactics. But the first half he discusses that Trust is not necessarily irrational thing. Most of the time it isn’t, it isn’t rational. It’s based on a handful of items that they’ve been able to detect. One of them is just, there’s an affinity but it really comes down to just being familiar.

It’s familiarity. Just being familiar with a person, seeing them enough times, being around them. If they have any form of omnipresence in your life, meaning, you Know you see their stuff on social media, you see ads from them, whatever.

Just the fact that you’re familiar with them makes you more Trusting than anyone else that they would consider versus you in your category and whether you consider them competition or not, it’s that customer Trust you on simple things like that.

It doesn’t make you the best choice. It just means you were there first. You built that relationship even though it’s not necessarily a give and take. You may not even know who who they are, but the fact that you’re there and they know who you are makes you more likely to be trusted.

Something that simple is such a huge piece of where you should be thinking about in your advertising, not caring so much about trying to sell the item, the product, the service, instead selling the Trust factor, putting yourself out there as a human or having someone as a spokesperson.

That’s a human that you’re going to use long-term that represents your company.

Another great example from that book was Chrysler when Chrysler hired Lee Iacocca, and I think that was back in the back of the eighties or nineties. Lee Iacocca took over Chrysler and the whole problem was Chrysler had a Trust issue with the brand.

Well, he put himself forward. He didn’t make a big deal about specifics of the features of the cars. He said, if you find he had a commercial that he put out there, he says, if you find a better car than ours buy it.

And it was just this simple straight-forward concept saying I’m willing to back it up with my personal guarantee and because of that he built a relationship. He built Trust back with the American people.

Chrysler came out of the gutter based on Lee Iacocca’s leadership, but it’s also his marketing prowess. He understood that if he put a person out there and put a face behind it and someone that was believable that you can go a long way in that.

So some ideas to keep in mind and you got to think what are we doing in our company?

What am I doing in my business to establish trust with the end customer? And this only matters if you’re wanting to keep them long-term. If you’re wanting them to buy over and over and over again or get involved in your continuity. That’s the only reason why Trust matters.

But if that matters to you, if you’re looking for those type of people, you have to look closely at how Trust affects every piece of marketing, sales and anything that you’re putting out there. Customer service out back into the world, how are you paying attention to Trust?

Where is Trust being focused on the go read that. A No B.S. Trust-Based Marketing book. That’s a good one. There’s a lot of other ones as I come up with them and then come back across my library, I’ll bring them up to you.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about something, a little bit of a twist on all of these concepts.

I can’t get into any more of that because I forgot exactly what I’m talking about tomorrow, but I know it’s around the same lines. So we’ll talk back with you tomorrow. If you are wanting to talk with someone who understands Trust-Based marketing and see if you can kind of bounce some ideas off of them, that’s me. If you’re in the self-reliance field and you own the business or you’re a decision maker, perhaps an executive in that business, go to

The link is in the description. It’s a quick little video there. Go and watch it if it makes sense to you. Go fill out the application for a free conversation with me. You have a great day, and in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Do You Know Your Customers?

Do You Know Your Customers?
More Daily Vids➡️ –

Pillar #3 Relationship Reliant

As seen in the video, Brian says being RELATIONSHIP RELIANT all comes back to the quote below from Bob Burg

“All things being equal, people will do business with, and refer business to, those people they know, like and trust”

  • While we can get focused on many tasks in business, it all needs to come back to person-top-person relationships
  • Do people know, like and trust you as a person or someone that works at your company?
  • If not, it’s hard to build relationships

Pillar #1 Reality Grounded –

Pillar #2 System Based –

The #2 Way You Can Amazon Proof Your Business

The #2 Way You Can Amazon Proof Your Business
More Daily Vids➡️ –

The #2 Way To Amazon-Proof Your Business…

  • Be Consistent
  • That means everything you’re doing to reach the people that will or have purchased your services or products, be consistent
  • Brian shares why the most successful people he knows of all share consistency with what they do
  • If you are testing something new, be consistent with it long enough so that you can see if it works for you or not

Past Videos on Amazon-Proofing Your business

9 –
8 –
7 –
6 –
5 –
4 –
3 –

Should You Facebook Live?

Should You Facebook Live?
More Daily Vids➡️ –

Is Hosting Facebook Live’s Right For You & Your Business?

  • Facebook Live’s are having an impact for various people.
  • If you already have a list of followers, Facebook Live’s are a great way to get in front of your people.
  • It’s proven that Facebook is giving quality attention to pages that are doing regular Facebook Live’s.
  • You can also do advertising on top of popular live content or on the page itself as people view content.

Why Brian Is Doing Facebook Lives

  • Helps get his message out there, get his philosophy on business out to viewers.
  • We also take these videos to sites like Youtube and Linkedin
  • Also looking into turning these into a podcast
  • Gives Brian a chance to meet people he might not otherwise have meet

Know, Like & Trust

  • Another value point to all this is it gives people a chance to know, like and trust you.
  • This is especially helpful when you are selling a higher priced product or service.

Do You Deserve Attention?

Do You Deserve Attention?
More Daily Vids➡️ –

Do you deserve to be known?

Do you believe you should be allowed to be seen?

  • That is, do you think you have a worthy opinion on a subject(s) that others would actually want to hear what you have to say.

Do you feel like you’re not entertaining enough to be heard?

  • Truth is, you really don’t have to be that entertaining or know that much more than others, just a little bit more.
  • The best way to get people to rally to your cause is to put yourself out there and do it consistently.
  • In the end, people buy from those they know, like and trust.